Join us for our 5th year of the Triton Online Series, and for Jeff Bramschreiber’s 25th year of teaching for the museum! Enter an expedition with watercolors and watercolor pencils while using a brush, palette knife, and pen and ink! Students will also play with everyday items, such as tea for creating a marbled work of art, or salt to add texture to their works. For the first time, students will be able to select six, eight or ten week sessions, so don’t miss it! ALL levels are welcome.
Week 1: 1/15 - Bees and Clover (Watercolor Pencils, Pen and Ink)
Week 2: 1/22 - Plumerias (Watercolor)
Week 3: 1/29 - Harbor Seals (Watercolor Pencil)
Week 4: 2/5 - Desert Southwest (Watercolor and Watercolor Pencil)
Week 5: 2/12 - Faces of Ancient Egypt (Watercolor and Tea Batik)
Week 6: 2/19 - Floral Abstract (Knife Painted Watercolor)
Week 7: 2/26 - Cityscape (Watercolor)
Week 8: 3/5 - The Old Pier (Knife-Painted Watercolor)
Week 9: 3/12 - Sierra Stream (Watercolor)
Week 10: 3/19 - California Quail (Watercolor, Pen and Ink)
Recommended Materials List:
- 24 count Watercolor Pencils Set
- 5mm Mechanical Pencil with HB Lead or HB/H Pencils with Sharpener
- White Vinyl Eraser, Tombow Mono-Zero Eraser
- Metal Palette Knife (Tapered, with point)
- 9”x12” or 11”x14” 140 lb. Cold or Hot Press Watercolor Pad or Block
- 11”x14” Heavy Duty Drawing Pad
- 11”x14” Sketch Pad (20 or 24 lb.)
- Pentel Hybrid or Pigma Micron Black Pens (Small Sizes)
- Brushes #2 & 4 round, #1 Script/Liner, 3/4” and 1” Wash or Stroke Brush.
Recommended Watercolors:
- Ivory Black
- Chinese White
- Alizarin Crimson
- Ultramarine Blue
- Cadmium Yellow Light
- Naples Yellow
- Cadmium Yellow Medium
- Cadmium Red Light
- Cadmium Red Medium
- Pthalo Red
- Sap Green
- Permanent Green Light
- Hooker’s Green
- Olive Green
- Green Gold
- Mauve
- Dioxazine Purple
- Raw Sienna
- Burnt Sienna
- Burnt Umber
- Phthalo Blue
- Cerulean Blue
- Cobalt Blue
For a visual list of preferred materials on Amazon, email Jeff at
Questions? Please contact