Tidioute WWII Days: The Bridge at Remagen
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Tidioute WWII Days: The Bridge at Remagen

This bridge scenario, like no other, returns due to the high interest from former reenacting participants and the local community.

By Able Company 505th PIR

Date and time

June 20 · 12pm - June 22 · 2pm EDT


16 Hill Dr

16 Hill Drive Tidioute, PA 16351

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 days 2 hours

Tidioute WWII Days: The Bridge at Remagen

20-22 June 2025

Reenactor Event Details

Reenactment questions should be directed to:

ALLIED COMMANDER: PAUL D BALTZER | 814 450-6545 | TheCzar71@gmail.com

AXIS COMMANDER: RICK CHOLTKO | 724 448-9136 | tack3661@yahoo.com

AXIS STAFF: ANDREW GARRISON | 616-262-9641| Seppcaesar@gmail.com

Event Location:

16 Hill Drive Tidioute, PA 16351






Please familiarize yourself with the below event general rules, Authenticity Guidelines, Weapons and Safety, and Vehicle Safety sections (if applicable).

I [and my unit, if applicable] voluntarily agree to the following terms:


• Upon arrival, reenactors must check in first at Event Registration where:

• All participants MUST sign a waiver before participating in the event.

• Parents/Guardians MUST sign waivers for participants under the age of 18.

• All participants will obtain and carry the Event Registration Pass for the duration of the event.

• Receive a Reenactor Parking Pass

• Receive (if applicable) a Period Vehicle Permit after safety inspection

• Receive the Updated Event Schedule, and garbage bag for trash.


• Please follow the camp set up guidelines and locations according to your respective army HQ. Those individuals and units planning on staying through Sunday afternoon will be set up together. Those individuals and units planning on leaving after 1700 on Saturday or before 0830 on Sunday morning will be set up adjacent to those remaining through the weekend.

• Modern Vehicles must be parked in the designated areas and out of camp once unloaded or loaded, with no lingering; and out of camp by 0830 hours each day until camps are closed to the public.

• Anachronisms must be removed from camps and living history areas before public hours.

Eyewear must be of period correct design. (See below Authenticity Guidelines)

We ask that you refrain from using your cellphones during public hours. Turn them off, put them in your tent or POV. If you really need your phone on, please limit your use and do it discretely.

• All reenactors are to be attired in period uniform/dress and set up in their designated area no later than 0830 on both Saturday and Sunday; and will not break down their camps / displays until after 1700 on Saturday and 1400 after Sunday’s living history activities/demonstrations have concluded.

• No rank above 1st Lieutenant (Allied), Oberleutant (Axis) without prior permission.

• The display or flying of political propaganda, banners or flags is prohibited. Also, the wearing of political clothing/uniform items or arm bands is prohibited. Noncompliance WILL result in immediate removal from the event. The site and event staff have final say on issues pertaining to issues arising on this matter.

• As this is a public event, we would ask you to refrain from foul and inappropriate language when the public is present.


1200 Registration Opens

1900 Reenactor Banket Sale at camp parade ground
2000 Axis & Allied Unit Commander meeting at Allied HQ
2100 Registration closed for evening.

2300 Taps

0600 Reveille

0645 Reenactor registration opens
0730 Formation at respective parade area, to the Color, Safety and Authenticity Inspections

0800 Depart for morning tactical area of operations.

0830 Tactical starts for those participating.

0900 CAMPS OPEN TO PUBLIC; Reenactor registration closes

1030 Tactical ends: Post tactical formation, head count, clear weapons and return to camp.

1500 Formation at respective parade area for Safety and Authenticity Inspections for public bridge scenario

1520 Depart to staging areas for Ludendorff Bridge scenario.

1615 -1715 Ludendorff Bridge scenario

1715 Post public bridge scenario formations, head count, clear weapons and return to camp.

1700 CAMPS CLOSED TO PUBLIC Retreat/To the Color

2300 Taps

0630 Reveille
0845 Morning Formation for those remaining for Living History
0900 CAMPS OPEN TO PUBLIC To the Color

0900-1400 Living History scenarios and demonstrations

1000 Religious Services

1400 CAMPS CLOSED TO PUBLIC Retreat/To the Colors break camp, return to home HQ.




Timeframe of impression:

For this event, your impression should conform to those items issued and used during the spring of 1945 in the ETO; more specifically during the taking of the Ludendorff Bridge near Remagen, March 1945.

Be advised:

Prior to the morning tactical and public bridge scenario there will be an authenticity/safety inspection by event staff based on these guidelines. Your impression should allow you to blend into the rest of the soldiers around you. Any glaring irregularities found during this inspection must be remedied before taking the field.


Allied: Hair must conform to respective Army regulations. This includes facial hair.

Axis: Hair must conform to Wehrmacht regulations. This includes facial hair.


Allied: Should be of the P3 style frame, or other period correct style.

Axis: Should be of the WW2 German Pattern, or other period correct style.

Note: Regardless of impression, modern eyewear should not be worn during public hours of this event.


No rank above 1st Lieutenant (Allied), Oberleutant (Axis) without prior permission.

Allied: Uniforms should be of the correct material and style for the spring of 1945 in the ETO for US Army. Airborne and Ranger impressions are prohibited as they were not present during March ‘45 taking of the Ludendorff bridge. Shoulder patch (SSI) should be correct for the Remagen Bridge capture during ’45 (Examples are 99th ID, 78th ID, 9th AD); also another option is to cover your unit patch or just wear no SSI at all.

Axis: Uniforms should be of the correct material and style for March of 1945 in the ETO for Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe, and Waffen-SS.

Note: The wearing of political uniform items, arm bands or brassards is prohibited.


Allied: The M1 helmet w/ liner should be plain with no markings other than NCO or officer bars, No scrim. However, helmet netting is permissible. When in camp, HBT caps are permissible when wearing HBT Trousers and jacket; or Garrison caps, with appropriate piping, when wearing wools or M43’s.

Axis: The M35, M40, M42 pattern helmet, field caps and officer and NCO visor/crusher caps should be of the correct material and style for the spring of 1945 in the ETO for Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe, and Waffen-SS.


Allied: Boots and Shoes should conform to those issued and used for the spring of 1945 in the ETO. Examples include Type II Service Shoe w/ M1938 Dismounted Leggings; M1943 Combat Boot (double buckle); M1942 Boot Parachutist may be used but must be covered with leggings.

Axis: Boots should conform to those issued for the spring ‘45 in the ETO. Examples include early and late pattern Jackboot.

Note: The wearing of modern boots or shoes is prohibited.

Field Gear:

Allied: The Cartridge belt, pistol belt, combat suspenders, haversack, or Musset bag, canteen w/ cover, bayonet and entrenching tool (if carried) should conform to those issued/used for the spring of 1945 in the ETO.

Axis: The belt, Y-straps, bayonet w/ scabbard, ammo pouches, canteen, bread bag, mess kit and gas mask canister should conform to those issued or used for the spring of 1945 in the ETO.


1. All reenactors must submit to a safety and authenticity inspection of their weapon, uniform and equipment prior to the morning tactical or public bridge scenario. All uniform items and equipment that will be used on the field must be present at the inspection.

2. Only WWII era (replica or original) period correct weapons are permitted. The use of shotguns, military or otherwise, may NOT be used in any tactical scenarios. However, they may be permitted for display only.

3. For all fully automatic and blank fire only non gun (BFONG) firearms, it is the individual reenactor’s responsibility to comply with all local, state, and federal regulations with regards to their firearms and any NFA (National Firearms Act) requirements, including availability of any necessary documentation requested by appropriate authority, which includes event staff.

4. Absolutely no discharge of weapons in camp. Noncompliance may result in immediate removal from the event.

5. Reenactors may fire their weapons only at designated times and locations, and only in organized and supervised formats. Visitors are not permitted to fire any weapons.

6. Discharging a weapon too close to the public or another reenactor, or in any other manner that endangers their safety or health, may result in immediate ejection of that person from the event.

7. No one under the age of 18 will be permitted to fire a weapon during the morning tactical or public bridge scenario.

8. Absolutely NO live ammunition is permitted at this event. Blank ammunition will be inspected and approved by the event staff. Absolutely, NO wooden tip blanks.

9. Blank firing adapters should be clean, operational to cycle blank ammunition, secured to the weapon and approved by the event staff.

10. Any weapon not passing inspection is prohibited from the morning tactical or public bridge scenario.

11. No weapons are to be discharged within 15 yards of the enemy. Always follow safe muzzle discipline. This is especially true during the public bridge scenario, as there is close urban fighting.

12. No hand-to-hand combat under any circumstances is allowed. Noncompliance WILL result in immediate removal from the event.

13. The public is NOT allowed to handle edged weapons at any time. Knives or edged weapons should be always kept in sheaths, except when being used as tools or for staged photographs.

14. Any injuries or accidents that require medical attention must be reported to local authorities and event personnel.

15. All lost or stolen firearms must be reported immediately to law enforcement.

14. The event site staff and or safety officer(s) have the final say on any matter of safety and weapons.

Mortars, rocket launchers, grenades:

15. Mortars and the rounds used shall be inspected for safety and operation by the event staff prior to being used.

16. No mortar will be fired in the direction of the public or structures not deemed safe.

17. The firing of a projectile from a mortar, bazooka, panzerfaust or a grenade launcher is prohibited.


1. Period Vehicles must check in at registration for a safety inspection and obtain a period vehicle permit.

a. Vehicles should be appropriate for use at a WWII reenactment.

b. The vehicle’s brakes and steering must be fully functional to allow for safe operation.

c. Headlights, taillights, and brake light must be operational for use on public roads.

d. Vehicles, other than motorcycles, must carry a charged functional fire extinguisher.

2. Period vehicles not in use are to park at respective army designated motor pools.

3. Period vehicles should stay on roads and areas designated for use.

4. If period vehicles are on public roads, they must conform to state and local motor vehicle laws.

5. Only licensed persons are to operate vehicles.

6. While the camp is open to the public, the vehicle speed on in camp is 5 mph, afterhours 15 mph. Always yield to pedestrian traffic.

7. The site and event staff have final say on issues pertaining to the safe operation of period vehicles.


1. This is an outdoor “rain or shine” event.

2. Any minors participating in the event with the reenactor(s) are the responsibility of the reenactor(s), and we ask that their behavior and safety is closely monitored. No one under the age of 18 will be permitted to fire a weapon during the morning tactical or public bridge scenario.

3. Alcohol is prohibited while camp is open to the public. Underage drinking is always prohibited.

4. Please use distributed garbage bag for the removal and disposal of any trash or debris in camp.


• The Borough of Tidioute and Limestone Township reserve the right to take photographs/videos of reenactors and distribute these images for any lawful purpose, including in our publications, marketing, social media, and presentations.

RELEASE FROM LIABILITY SAMPLE (Actual form to be signed upon arrival at event registration):

In consideration of the permission extended to me by the Tidioute Borough and Limestone Township to participate in the WWII Reenactment: June 20-22, 2025 and for other valuable consideration for myself, and/or my minor child/ward, my spouse, heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, and assigns do hereby FULLY AND FOREVER RELEASE AND DISCHARGE the above aforesaid, and their agents, representatives, employees, volunteers, and all persons whomever directly or indirectly liable, from any and all claims and demands, actions and causes of action, damage, costs, loss of services, expenses, and any and all other claims of damages whatsoever, both in law and equity, on account of, or resulting from, personal injuries, conscious suffering, death, or property damage suffered by me or my minor child/ward, whether directly or indirectly or in any manner connected to any of the activities on the premises of the aforesaid event. I am duly aware of the risks and hazards inherent upon entering said premises, en route to or from said premises, and participating in any activities held on said premises. In signing this release, I acknowledge and represent that I have read the above foregoing release, hold harmless and indemnification agreement, understand it and sign it voluntarily as my own free act and deed; no oral representations, statements, or inducements, apart from the foregoing written agreement have been made; I am at least (18) years of age and fully competent; and I execute this release for full, adequate and complete consideration fully intending to be bound by same. I am responsible for all minors in attendance in our party and at no time will they be left unaccompanied. I acknowledge that I have read and understand the above terms.

__________________________________________________(print) ____________________ (date) Reenactor Name

_________________________________________________ (signature) ________________ (date) Reenactor Signature

Frequently asked questions

Why is registration limited to 65 forces on each side?

It was deemed prudent due to new borough and command staff organizers; to ensure sufficient camping and parking due to changes since the last time the event was held, and for command-and-control concerns, as well as safety, during the Saturday public bridge scenario.

Why is rank limited to 1st Lieutenant or Oberleutant for this event without prior permission.

With the numbers limited to 65 forces per side, the event will be organized as a company structure. There will be a company HQ, by event staff, with a platoon structure, and squad structure assigned for attendees. Regulate your impression rank based upon the number of troops under you.

What's going on at the event on Sunday?

As Saturday is busy with a tactical and the public bridge scenario, the event wanted to dedicate Sunday for the awesome displays, demonstrations and presentations that many attending units and individuals do during living histories for the public.

Organized by
