A short time from now in a city pretty close...
Join us on May the 4th as Pittsburgh Sword Fighters and The Saber Legion (TSL) join forces to host... The Sarlacc Pitt.
"You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."
Wait... what?
No. It's actually a pretty nice place with pretty decent people.
Calling all force wielders and Star Wars enthusiasts. Come celebrate this May the 4th with us through glorious LED saber combat.
Lightside, darkside, somewhere in the middle... All combatants are welcome.
Grab an elegant weapon then prepare for a more civilized evening. Immediately following the competition, all participants are cordially invited to "Boogie Fett.", an evening of Star Wars inspired frivolity.
"This is the event you are looking for. Search your feelings, you know it to be true."
"We would be honored if you would join us."
Spectators do require a ticket. This ticket is also party access after 5pm.
The tournament will likely have tiers and use the Unity format. During the party, we will run a separate tag team/melee event.
Loaner sabers available!!!
Please note that you will be required to sign a TSL Hold Harmless waiver unless you are an existing TSL charter member.
Please read the TSL Hold Harmless waiver in it's entirely before arriving: