The Right Address, w/ Sweater on Polo, KYRUH & Frankie Decaiza Hutchinson

The Right Address, w/ Sweater on Polo, KYRUH & Frankie Decaiza Hutchinson

  • Ages 21+

A conversation about the relationship between venues and electronic music, followed by performances and DJ sets.

By Triple Canopy

Date and time

March 20 · 8pm - March 21 · 3am EDT.


Bossa Nova Civic Club

1271 Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11221

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

Free before 11 p.m., $10 after 11 p.m. (RSVP encouraged)

How do venues foster social and musical experimentation, whether by gathering unfamiliar sounds and bodies or incubating intimate scenes? For The Right Address, Ryan C. Clarke will be joined by Sweater on Polo, a musician and producer; and Frankie Decaiza Hutchinson, a promoter, founder of Dweller Electronics, and co-founder of Discwoman. Drawing on these various roles and experiences, they’ll reflect on the conditions for musical invention as well as homogenization. After the conversation and listening session, Sweater on Polo will perform a live set, followed by DJ sets by Clarke and KYRUH.

RSVPs do not guarantee entry. Attendance is on a first-come, first-served basis (even for those who have RSVP’d) and will be limited to the legal capacity of the venue.

This event is part of Living Equipment, presented in collaboration with Rivers Institute.

Organized by

Triple Canopy is a nonprofit magazine that publishes digital works of art and literature, public programs, podcasts, and books, among other media and experiences.

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