NYC Afternoon Hiking Group Website
We'll be doing a zigzag path from Herald Square down to Battery Park, through as much greenery and interesting sights as possible. Afterward we'll go a short distance to a BBQ restaurant in the financial district that does separate checks.
We'll take a group photo at Battery Park then another in the Staten Island Ferry Terminal, at which point the hike will end and those interested will continue about 4 blocks to the restaurant.
Subway stops near the end are Whitehall on the R/W, Staten Island Ferry on the 1, and Bowling Green on the 4/5.
Macy's has several entrances -- we'll be at the chairs and tables in Herald Square, just north of the main entrance to Macy's, which is on Broadway halfway between 34th & 35th Streets. There are restrooms available at Macy's in the basement -- the women's room is in the northeast corner, and the men's room is in the middle of the southern edge of the basement.
Attendance on this hike is free, and all participants attend at their own risk. By attending, you agree to the terms of the release waiver, which you can read at In it, you basically give up any right whatsoever to sue, to the fullest extent possible by law.