Come join us at the Billy Frank Jr. Conference Center at Ecotrust for an insightful event focusing on neurodiversity in the tech industry!
The Open Source Fellowship is a community program that equips technologists with the tools they need to thrive in a collaborative Neurodiverse Workplace, a place of innovation and thriving minds!
We support emerging technologists across all neurodiverse identities, increasing their experience with open-source technology and how these technologies can benefit both the nonprofit and for-profit sectors.
Over the next 15 months, OSF will host in-person events, launch online full-stack development courses and a professional certificate. Including a 1-year paid fellowship enabling neurodiverse technologists to contribute to open source products aimed at social impact.
We are also creating a larger community of technologists and employers with a shared understanding of neurodiversity and how best to leverage its unique potential in the workplace and in solving community challenges. How can open source technology support nonprofit, government, and service providers that need technology to streamline their operations and increase social impact?
This community program is organized by NTEN, Fuse Change, Liminal Labs and with collaborating partners Technology Association of Oregon, and PIE.