The Every.Black Virtual Study Hall for the Serious Entrepreneur

The Every.Black Virtual Study Hall for the Serious Entrepreneur

Get Serious About Your Future – Build Your Business NOW before it's too late because job security does not exist.

By Every.Black, LLC

Select date and time

Thursday, March 13 · 3 - 6am PDT



About this event

Join the Every.Black Virtual Study Hall for the Serious Entrepreneur

Get Serious About Your Future – Build Your Business NOW!

Hundreds of thousands are losing their jobs, and others are wondering when they will be next. Job security does not exist but financial freedom is possible when YOU take control.

We’re inviting serious entrepreneurs to join our Virtual Business Study Hall, where we meet Monday through Friday, 6 AM – 9 AM (ET) to:

Take action on business goals—no excuses!
Get accountability and support from like-minded entrepreneurs.
Network and collaborate in a focused environment.

This is NOT a webinar. This is a working session for those who are serious about creating wealth through entrepreneurship.

If you’re ready to commit, we’re ready to help. Join us each weekday morning and get to work! Join us NOW!

Work on your business with like minded people from around the country and world on Zoom. We provide a conducive quiet working space, with peers, goal setting and entrepreneurial consulting to help you progress and achieve your goals in business. All participants are muted after the first five minutes so that you can work without interruptions. You decide what you will work on each day and you decide when you arrive and leave. Be productive with your time each Monday through Friday. Work on your business together with other serious minded and committed entrepreneurs. With Every.Black, you are not alone!

.Black is the New .Com!

NOTE: You must be a member of Every.Black to participate in the virtual study hall. Click HERE to join Every.Black if you are not a member.

#Entrepreneurship #AI #SelfReliance #BusinessGrowth #FinancialFreedom #EveryBlack #TheTimeIsNow

Organized by

About Every.Black

Our mission is to teach entrepreneurs how to use software applications to increase profitability and efficiency in business while providing ongoing marketing and networking opportunities for the members of Every.Black. The founder, Jimmy J. Davies, has provided computer software training and FileMaker Pro database development services for individuals, small businesses, major corporations and government agencies since 1988. Go to www.Every.Black/Join to become a member and get a 50% discount on all computer classes.

Contact: Jimmy J. Davies, Founder, Jimmy@Every.Black - .Black is the New .Com!

“Where there is change, there is opportunity. Since change is constant, there is always opportunity.” ... Jimmy J. Davies