The Catholic Business Network of South Jersey March Meeting
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The Catholic Business Network of South Jersey March Meeting

The Catholic Business Network (CBN) welcomes all Catholic business professionals to its monthly meeting.

By Catholic Business Network of South Jersey

Date and time

Friday, March 21 · 8 - 10am EDT


Parish of St Mary - St Mary's Roman Catholic Church

426 Monmouth Street Gloucester City, NJ 08030

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

The Catholic Business Network will hold its next in-person meeting on Friday, March 21, at the Parish of Saint Mary’, 426 Monmouth Street, Gloucester City NJ 08030

All business professionals are welcome to this event.

MASS: 8 AM in Saint Mary's Church

WELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS: Catholic Business Network President Jeff Morris.

BREAKFAST & NETWORKING: 8:30 AM, Knights of Columbus Hall 605 Monmouth St, Gloucester City, NJ 08030 (two block walk from the Church).

SPEAKER: Meet representatives from the Catholic Star Herald and learn how South Jersey's Catholic Newspaper can help your business.

BREAKFAST SPONSOR: The Catholic Star Herald

Organized by

We are welcoming of all ages, races and cultural backgrounds and strive to promote community service, foster ethical business practices, and create a culture of philanthropy among our members. In short, we aspire to reflect Christ in all facets of our lives – personal and professional.

$10 – $25