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The Calling 8-Week Master Class - Fulfilling Your God-Given Assignments

Join us for The Calling, an 8-week Master Class, and learn how to fulfill your unique calling, purpose, and assignments from God.

By Apostle Linda Wilde/Beauty for Ashes Ministries

Select date and time

Starts on Thursday, March 20 · 4pm PDT




7:00 PM

Week 1- Introduction - God has "CALLED" you, Now What?

Apostle Linda C. Wilder

Introduction to The Calling Fulfilling Your God-Given Assignment. Your answer is YES, now what do you do?

7:00 PM

Week 2 - Who Me Lord? Why Me?

Apostle Linda C. Wilder

We will delve into the Callings of God and the significance and uniqueness of one's assignments and purpose.

7:00 PM

Week 3 - The Power and Purpose of Preparation and Purification

Apostle Linda C. Wilder

7:00 PM

Week 4 - What are Spiritual Gifts

7:00 PM

Week 5 - What are Ministry Gifts

7:00 PM

Week 6 - Discovering and Releasing Your Potential.

7:00 PM

Week 7 - Chosen

7:00 PM

Week 8 - Writing Your Called Story

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour

The Calling Master Class - Fulfilling Your God-Given Assignments

Welcome to our online Master Class where we delve into discovering and fulfilling the "Calling, Spiritual Gifts, Purpose, and Assignments uniquely designed for you by the Holy Spirit to fulfill what God has called you to do. Join us for a transformative experience filled with insights, practical tips, and inspiration to help you confidently step into your purpose. This master class is perfect for anyone seeking clarity and guidance on their life's path. Don't miss this opportunity to unlock your full potential and live a life aligned with your calling. Register now to embark on this fulfilling journey!

Frequently asked questions

Will this class be held on Zoom and the Virtual Platform?

Yes at 7 pm EST. More details are forthcoming.

Will this class be interactive?

Yes, will have a set time for Q&A

Are ther recomended study materials?

Yes, please bring your study Bible and notebook. Recommended resources, The Calling Fulfilling Your God-Given Assignment Book, and the Calling Prayer Journal and Workbook. Go to to place your order or to lindawilder

How will I sign on for the classes?

A Zoom link and passcode will be provided for you at the time of registration.

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