Tired of making the same old vision boards? This year, let's make something that is meaning and encouraging to support your life journey.
We will create a DIY Self-Love Vision Board Prayer Box, That will:
- Build your motivation
- Guide you to reflect on your journey
- Help you stay connected to your goals
- Become a keepsake for the things that matter most to you
- Active storage box to hold items connected to the goals you are working on
The process of making your box will be a beautiful experience for any women seeking to pursue a journey rediscover herself, reconnect with God, reach new life goals, and discover new passions and purpose.
Materials Needed*
Bring a good solid show box or any shoe size empty box and any personal vision board items you would like to have with you. We'll take care of the rest!
OPTIONAL: Do you have the Best of Me Journal? To fully experience the benefits of this journey, please purchase your Best of Me Journal Here and download my FREE eBOOK here.
For more events to support your healing, mental health, and life change journey, connect with LWL on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/letswritelife/.
This event will be hosted at The Anya House. All monthly events fees and donations help support the mission and purpose ANYA HOUSE. Learn more at https://theanyahouse.com/.