This is a great place to access wonderful machines and equipment, practice that youtube video you have been checking out, and more.
Level: Beginner to Expert
Timing: 3 hours
Location: Coworking and Textiles room in suite 206
Certification: No certifications are provided at this lab
Your hosts can help you get started, and provide practice projects, or recommendations. We are not offering 1:1 lessons at this open lab as host time and assistance is limited. We may give demonstrations if time allows or when we have guests.
What to bring :
We stock basic supplies but it is a good idea to bring your own specialty supplies or personal scissors if you are picky – we get it Please be sure that all clothing is freshly laundered before bringing it in for repairs or alterations.
Must RSVP Here: Textiles Open Studio with Team Ace – Ace Makerspace