In order to provide a space to discuss 'all things co-production' across Sussex, Changing Futures Sussex, Possability People and Capital are hosting this series of online spaces.
These discussion and collaboration spaces will have a different theme each session. They will be open conversations to allow for ideas, experiences and thoughts to be shared across Sussex. The themes will come from conversation within each session and from feedback from participants.
These sessions are open to anyone in Sussex, who has an interest in co-production and working co-productively to improve the system, services for people experiencing multiple disadvantage.
You may be:
- an Expert By Experience
- a Volunteer
- a Peer Support worker
- supporting people with lived experience of multiple disadvantage in a work or voluntary capacity
- managing or leading a service
- developing strategy and policy around services and systems for those experiencing multiple disadvantage
We'd really benefit from your thoughts, ideas and experiences - come and join the conversation!
The sessions will run on the first Wednesday of each month, for 45 minutes, with alternative timings - 9.15am - 10am and 3.45pm - 4.30pm.
Y ou can drop into sessions that are of particular interest or come to them all - the choice is yours. We will update themes for sessions regularly.
W ith the information that is shared in these discussions and collaboration spaces, we hope to produce infographics, toolkits and other practical resources that will be helpful to us all. These will be published on our respective websites, online platforms and social media channels.
These sessions will be hosted and facilitated by people with lived and/or learned experience from Changing Futures Sussex, Possability People and Capital.