Surgical and Non-surgical Evaluation and Treatment of the Spine

Surgical and Non-surgical Evaluation and Treatment of the Spine

Explore evaluation and management of cervical and lumbar disorders, including history, exams, red flags, and treatment recommendations.

By Sports Medicine North and Physical Therapy North

Date and time

Thursday, March 13 · 6 - 7:30pm EDT.


Endicott College (School of Nursing, Room 421)

376 Hale Street Cummings School of Nursing Beverly, MA 01915 United States

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour 30 minutes

Surgical and Non-surgical Evaluation and Treatment of the Spine

Course Outline:

This course will cover the evaluation, conservative and surgical management of cervical and lumbar disorders. Participants will understand the imperative patient history elements of a low back examination and identify which patient history components and special tests are affiliated with lumbar and cervical pathology. We will review the components of a neurologic screening exam and identify the most prevalent red flags in lumbar and cervical spine examination and differentiate the purposes of diagnostic testing to determine the appropriate treatment recommendations.

Course Schedule:

5:30-6pm: Registration

6:00-6:05 pm: Opening remarks

6:05-6:30: Evaluation and Surgical Treatment of the Cervical Spine, Richard Ozuna, MD

6:30-7:00: Evaluation and Surgical Treatment of the Lumbar Spine, Akachimere Uzosike, MD

7:00-7:30: Non-Surgical Treatment of the Spine, Kevin Bernard, MD

Questions welcome throughout the program.

Target Audience: ATC, PT, PTA (intermediate)


At the conclusion of this course, it is expected that the attendees will be able to:

  • Identify clinical presentations for common spine pathologies
  • Synthesize the importance of specific, meaningful clinical findings during the examination process of the cervical and lumbar spine
  • Distinguish appropriate tests for screening the cervical and lumbar spine to determine when referral for advanced imaging is warranted
  • Understand prognostic trajectories for common spine pathologies and integrate best evidence management strategies for discussed pathologies
  • Identify common causes of neck pain, lower back, and radicular pain
  • Identify Non-surgical management and treatment of acute and chronic cervical, lumbar and radicular pain.
  • Apply the information learned during the lecture to their clinical practice in order to more efficiently evaluate and treat this patient population