Study Hall: Paced Productivity

Study Hall: Paced Productivity

Study Hall is all about getting things done at a steady, manageable pace—working in focused sprints with built-in breaks.

By 81Eighteen™, LLC

Date and time

Tuesday, March 25 · 8 - 10am PDT




11:00 AM - 11:05 AM

Brain Boost ‧ Notes

We’ll set a goal or two, go over the pomodoro technique, and then set tech reminders to avoid distractions.

11:05 AM - 11:30 AM

25-Minute Pomodoro

We'll work through the first sprint.

11:30 AM - 11:35 PM

5-Minute Break

We'll take a quick brain-break.

11:35 AM - 12:00 PM

25-Minute Pomodoro

We'll work through the second sprint.

12:00 PM - 12:05 PM

5-Minute Break

We'll take a quick brain-break.

12:05 PM - 12:30 PM

25-Minute Pomodoro

We'll work through the third sprint.

12:30 PM - 12:35 PM

5-Minute Break

We'll take a quick brain-break.

12:35 PM - 1:00 PM

25-Minute Pomodoro

We'll work through the fourth sprint.

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours

Looking for a structured, low-pressure space to write, queue, or organize your emails—without feeling overwhelmed? Study Hall is a live, virtual co-working session designed to help you work with focus, flow, and paced productivity.

Using the Pomodoro Technique, we break work into four 25-minute sprints with 5-minute breaks in between. This structured approach helps you stay productive while avoiding burnout—so you can make real progress without the pressure.

Here’re all the things you need to know:
Arrive on time – Start strong and stay accountable.
Stay on mute – Keep distractions low and focus high.
Four 25-minute sprints, paced with 5-minute breaks – Maximize efficiency while keeping your energy up.

Work on a task—at your own pace – Whether it’s writing emails, planning, or organizing, this is your time.
Keep your camera on (optional, but encouraged) – Stay engaged and create a sense of community.
Need extra support? Jump into a breakout room for tutoring or focused guidance. Whether you have questions about email strategy, automation, or segmentation, we’re here to help.

Study Hall is your dedicated time to get things done—at a sustainable pace. Whether you're crafting emails, managing your list, or tackling coursework, this is the perfect space to focus.

Registration is free but required.

Facilitator: Kenyana David, MBA, DBA(c)

Kenyana is the principal of 81Eighteen, LLC and the Fe-Mail Marketing for Entrepreneurs (FEMME) Academy. She's Cornell University certified in Women's Entrepreneurship and HubSpot certified in email marketing, inbound sales and marketing, content marketing, and frictionless sales.

Frequently asked questions

What’s Study Hall?

Study Hall is a structured, low-pressure co-working session designed to help you stay productive and on task. Using the Pomodoro Technique—four 25-minute work sprints with 5-minute breaks—Study Hall creates the perfect space to write, queue, or organize emails without distractions.

Should I attend Study Hall?

Yes. If you’ve got emails to write, organize, or schedule—but struggle to find the time or focus—Study Hall is for you. Whether you're drafting newsletters, cleaning up your list, setting up automations, or tackling coursework, this structured, low-pressure work session helps you get things done.

How does tutoring work?

Tutoring happens in breakout rooms during Study Hall. If you need help on an email thing, you can hop into a breakout room for one-on-one or small group guidance—no stress, no pressure. Need a quick answer? Stay for five minutes or 25 minutes.

What if I've got to come late?

No worries. If you arrive late, mute yourself, and check the chat for the current sprint timing. If you've got a question or need a quick update, drop it in the chat, and someone will help you. Even if you can only make it to a pomodoro or two, you’ll still get something done.

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