Stay Encouraged Mentorship Program (Women)

Stay Encouraged Mentorship Program (Women)

Join Stay Encouraged Mentorship Program for WOMEN to Set & Activate Goals, Prayer, Words of Encouragement and Invest In Your Purpose!!

By Keisha "Been Released" Wade

Date and time

Starts on Thursday, October 9 · 4:30pm PDT



About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour 30 minutes

Welcome to the Stay Encouraged Mentorship Program! (WOMEN ONLY)

Join the "Stay Encouraged Mentorship Program" for 12 months with Keisha “Been Released” Wade! This Women's mentorship program is FREE, but you must order the 4 books of encouragement, it also includes Setting and Activating Goals, Virtual Group Mentorship & Coaching,12 months of Staying Encouraged, Praying and, Investing In Your Purpose. Register today, and Keisha will email you more information.

What is Stay Encouraged Mentorship Program?

A group encouragement program that provides prayer, encouragement, coaching, mentorship, and words of encouragement from God to all WOMEN!!!

What is Encouragement/Encourager?

The action of an Encourager (a person who gives encouragement) who prays, inspires, educates, empowers and supports others.) Encouragement is what God has gifted Keisha “Been Released” Wade to do as an encourager.

Who is Keisha “Been Released” Wade?

Keisha "Been Released" Wade is a wife, mother, and Woman of God (WOG) who is an Encouragement Speaker, Author, Mentor, Educator, Singer, and Prayer Warrior. God has given her a Ministry called Released which is an Encouragement Ministry to pray, uplift, encourage, and empower others. God has given her a Gift of Encouragement where she Speaks and Writes to Uplift others. She shares her Testimony of how God led her to overcome many challenges, asking for forgiveness, and coming into Victory! She is a Woman of God that Loves the Lord, and she is a willing vessel that wants to be used by God to Build the Kingdom of God Up!

How long is Stay Encouraged Mentorship Program?

The Stay Encouragement Mentorship Program for women only is a FREE 12 (twelve) month group encouragement program held monthly (once a month) via zoom, on the second Thursday at 7:30pm EST. January-December.

How much does Stay Encouraged Mentorship Program cost?

The Stay Encouraged Mentorship Program is FREE for WOMEN, but you can give a monetary seed/donation at Also you must order the 4 books of encouragement to be apart of the Stay Encouraged Mentorship Program, please see below of how to order.

What is included in Stay Encouraged Mentorship Program?

· Direct encouragement and prayer from Keisha “Been Released” Wade and/ or Special Guest.

· Corporate prayer

· Encouragement Coaching

· Encouragement Mentorship

· Discovery Introduction

· Purpose Journal Writing

· Set and activate goals assignment

· Create New Steps

· Encouragement Resources and more!!

Information Session

Before you join the Stay Encouraged Mentorship Program for women, there will be an “Information Session” to tell WOMEN more about the program. The information session will be on Thursday, May 8, 2025 at 7:30pm EST, on Zoom. Keisha will send you an email.

Do you have to order materials?

Stay Encouraged Mentorship Program: Yes, you will need to order your materials separately. You will order four (4) books of encouragement set for an additional $25.00 plus shipping fees. Order on Released website The encouragement set includes, Been Released (Stay Encouraged book), Been Released Workbook (Invest In My Purpose), Purpose Journal (Personal Journal), Get Wisdom & Get Understanding (31 days of devotionals from the book of proverbs). This is sold separately from the monthly fee.

Stay Encouraged,

Keisha “Been Released” Wade

Encouragement Speaker, Author, Mentor, and Prayer Warrior

For more information, please visit my website and other social media platforms.

Like, Share, Comment, Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and Other Social Media Platforms!!!

Disclaimer: "The Stay Encouraged Mentorship Program for women is a program that is Faith based and believes in Jesus Christ. The Stay Encouraged Mentorship Program provides prayer, words of encouragement, coaching ,and mentorship.
The information provided by Stay Encouragement Mentorship/Released LLC/Keisha “Been Released” Wade within the website ( is offered for edification, education, encouragement, and informative purposes only. Stay Encouragement Mentorship/Released LLC/Keisha “Been Released” Wade and its contributors are not functioning as licensed mental health professionals, and use of this website ( is not intended as a replacement for counseling, psychiatric interventions, treatment for mental illness, recovery from past abuse, professional medical advice, financial assistance, legal counsel, or other professional services. As always, the advice of competent professionals should be sought when experiencing serious personal difficulties.
Examples used in this website ( are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of anything. Self-help and improvement potential is entirely dependent on the person using our website, ideas and techniques. If you wish to apply any information contained in this website, you are taking full responsibility for your actions. Stay Encouragement Mentorship/Released LLC/Keisha “Been Released” Wade guarantee your success or improvement level and we are not responsible for any of your actions."

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Who Is Keisha "Been Released" Wade

Keisha "Been Released" Wade is a wife, mother, and Woman of God (WOG) who is an Encouragement Speaker, Author, Mentor, Educator, Singer, and Prayer Warrior. God has given her a Ministry called Released which is an Encouragement Ministry to pray, uplift, encourage, and empower others. God has given her a Gift of Encouragement where she Speaks and Writes to Uplift others. She shares her Testimony of how God led her to overcome many challenges, asking for forgiveness, and coming into Victory! She is a Woman of God that Loves the Lord, and she is a willing vessel that wants to be used by God to Build the Kingdom of God Up! She is available to speak or host Church events, cooperate events, Anniversary's, Conferences and Seminars, and where else the Spirit of God leads her. ~Stay Encouraged~