We’ll bird for everything on this three-day break, all things that make a spring week in Cape May so special. Celebrate spring with migrating songbirds and shorebirds teeming on the mudflats - Hooded and Yellow-throated Warblers sing in the shadows of Belleplain State Forest, while Summer Tanagers “piki-tuck” overhead; Red Knots and Sanderlings feed in mosaics of rust and silver along the Delaware Bayshore; assorted egrets and herons dot the saltmarsh and there’s always the chance of a lively fall of birds somewhere around Cape May Point. This workshop is all about the diversity of spring migration and focuses not just on identifying birds, but also on learning about their lives. This workshop will involve 1 or 2 evening birding sessions. The group will break mid-day, then reconvene around 5pm for dusk/evening birding.
Because of the inherent dynamic nature of birding, we do not pre-set an exact itinerary but will visit those parts of Cape May County that regularly hold good numbers of birds. Final location decisions will be made by the leader based on local knowledge and conditions at the time. We will be walking several miles during this 3-day workshop, over generally level, sometimes muddy or sandy terrain.