Soul Trader: Build your business by heart

Soul Trader: Build your business by heart

Join leading life & business coach Rasheed Ogunlaru author of Soul Trader, to learn how to build an authentic, rewarding business.

By Rasheed Ogunlaru & British Library Business & IP Centre

Select date and time

Wednesday, April 9 · 2 - 3:30am PDT



About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour 30 minutes

Build a business that you and your customers will love. 

Join leading life coach, speaker and business coach Rasheed Ogunlaru – whose clients include entertainers, entrepreneurs, Chief Executives and organisations – for this inspiring and practical session that will help cut the financial and emotional costs of business  – and to create a unique, authentic ‘stand out from the crowd’ one that is fulfilling personally and financially.

During this online workshop, Rasheed with introduce an easy, painless and economical way of being building your business through rich relationships, harnessing seven ‘heart centred’ principles / steps:

1.     Clarity: Know your mission, skills, values & brand -let them propel you.

2.     Customers: See life through their eyes to win custom, profit loyalty.

3.     Courage: Unleash your inspiration and adopt the attitude of an athlete

4.     Co-operation: Punch above your weight; collaborate – utilise your network.

5.     Conversations: Learn to deeply connect in person and online.

6.     Creativity: Know when to work, rest and perform at your best

7.     Compassion: Connect at heart – be transformational not transactional

+ Change: You, your customers, business, economy and technology will change. Explore how to anticipate, shape and embrace change.

Can't make the workshop? Love a good book?

Soul Trader is available as a softcover book (great for note-taking) as well as an ebook.

Learn more on Amazon →

About Rasheed Ogunlaru

Rasheed is a leading life coach, business / corporate coach and motivational speaker. His clients include entrepreneurs, entertainers, teachers, healers, high achievers and organisations. He helps people of all backgrounds achieve greater success, confidence, balance and fulfilment in all areas of their lives, careers, relationships and business. He is the business coach partner of the Business & IP Centre and author of Soul Trader- Putting the Heart Back Into Your Business and The Gift of Inner Success.

Please visit Rasheed's website for more information.

Soul-Trader is Rasheed's online resource for aspiring and established sole traders and small business. This resource includes: free membership; newsletter; podcasts; inspiring interviews; discounts towards events; tools; templates; Rasheed's Coach Yourself programme and much more.

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The British Library's Business & IP Centre provides a wealth of information, advice, workshops, market resource and advice clinics to new and growing businesses. Use of the centre free and its additional workshops, events and support is free or highly subsidised.
