Self Defense Karate for Beginners

Self Defense Karate for Beginners

  • Ages 13+

Whether a Man or Woman, Feel Better as You Take Control of Your Life & Get Fit with Self Defense Karate. Train to Get Home Safely

By Alexandria Karate Dojo

Select date and time

Saturday, March 15 · 9 - 10am EDT


6416 Grovedale Dr

6416 Grovedale Drive Alexandria, VA 22310 United States

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour
  • Ages 13+
  • Free venue parking

Discover Self Defense Karate!

Regardless of Your Age, Now You can Train in

Small, Friendly, Cooperative Adult Karate Classes

with no worries about getting injured.

Our Students Average Age is 45.

Women comprise over 30% of our Students

Introducing the Original Okinawan Shorin Ryu Karate Self Defense Reactions

seldom taught to foreigners.

Many call these reactions Secrets.

Train in My Okinawan Shorin Ryu Karate Dojo

Discover Self Defense Reactions

Boost Your Safety,

Improve Your Self Confidence, and

Feel Great!

Our Members Also Enjoy a

One-Fee Montly Membership

that includes:

- Free Karate Rank Promotions

and corresponding Color Karate Belts up to Karate Black Belt

- Free Equipment Use

(punching board, kicking bags, wooden dummy arms, etc.)

- No contracts!

- No Registration Fee

You Can Stop Classes at Any Time

Pay Only for the Months You Train.

Take a break while on vacation or when life gets demands it

We focus on self defense Karate

* We start with the punch, kick, blocks found in all karate.

* Then we explore the simple, obvious, hidden hand (kakushite) Self Defense Karate applications in plain sight yet mostly overlooked because Okinawan Karate Masters teach them only to a few of their most trusted senior students.

* We cooperate with our training partners in Karate class to learn self defense applications while avoiding injuries.

* Once you see these easy-to-learn self-defense Karate reactions, you will be amazed that you were unaware of them for so long.

An Okinawan Shorin Ryu Karate Grand Master Taught These to Me for 45+ years!

Now maybe I can teach you.

Frequently asked questions

Is it OK to just try this out?

Yes, please join us to see if our training meets your needs. We have classes every day of the week. See:

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