Searches & Seizures - April 24, 2025 (New York City)

Searches & Seizures - April 24, 2025 (New York City)

For law enforcement personnel only.

By J.P. Nixon


New York City Department of Investigation

180 Maiden Lane New York, NY 10038 United States

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

Course Description:

Instead of the standard lecture on what you cannot do when acting under the color of law, this class zeros directly in on ways of fulfilling law enforcement objectives in the face of the law's constrants. Consisting of an interactive multi-media presentation designed to engage the students in thought and discussion with the instructor and each other while learning how to apply the Fourth Amendemnt to both basic and highly complex fact patterns. An absolutely essential class for personnel at all levels, thought in a uniquly daynamic way.

Topics Include:

  • Consensual Encounters, Right to Approach, Terry Stops, and Arrests
  • Motorists, Passengers, Cars & Conveyances
  • Pretextual Detentions
  • Managing Detainees
  • Weapons Searches vs. Contraband Searches
  • Scope of Search
  • How to Effectively Articulate Reasonable Suspicion and Probable Cause
  • Prolonged Detentions & Uncooperative Subjects
  • Use or Deployment of a K-9

Organized by

Mr. Nixon is the former Director of a joint State/Federal task force, based out of Miami, Florida, that conducted complex international money laundering investigations, focused on the activities of Colombian and Mexican drug cartels. With an expertise in electronic surveillance, Mr. Nixon supervised more than two dozen wiretaps and his work resulted in the arrest and extradition of many prominent traffickers and launderers. Notably, during his time as a task force commander, Mr. Nixon oversaw a search and seizure operation that resulted in the largest cash seizure in South Florida’s history, totaling approximately 25 million dollars hidden in a private residence in suburban Miami-Dade County. In addition to his work as a task-force leader, as a former prosecutor, he has extensive litigation experience, trying approximately 100 cases to verdict including homicides, narcotics and firearms offenses, and myriad financial crimes. Mr. Nixon holds degrees from the University of California at Berkeley (BA), Quinnipiac University (JD), and the University of Pennsylvania (MPA).