San Antonio Aquarium

San Antonio Aquarium

Get up close and personal with the marine life, reptiles, birds, and animals.

By Vibrant Works - Children and Youth Program

Date and time

Wednesday, July 16 · 10am - 12pm CDT


San Antonio Aquarium

6320 Bandera Road Leon Valley, TX 78238

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours

Let's learn about the animals and marine life at the San Antonio Aquarium! You can touch a stingray, learn about sharks, and meet a sloth.

This event is exclusive to children who are blind or visually impaired, their siblings, and families.

Organized by

Vibrant Works Children & Youth Program provides training to blind or visually impaired children and their families. The training focuses on providing the tools necessary to assist the children in acquiring the skills they need to gain independence and succeed in their academic training and life.
