Salvation Has Been Brought Down Lectures

Salvation Has Been Brought Down Lectures


For our 1st 2025 event, we gathered a superb line-up of gospel preachers to share the Good News with those with "ears to hear."

By GACC Evangelism Ministry

Date and time

Saturday, March 29 · 10am - 1pm CDT.


Greenville Avenue Church of Christ

1013 S Greenville Ave Richardson, TX 75081


9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Check in, on-site registration, continental breakfast

10:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Lectures, presentations

12:30 PM - 1:00 PM

Q & A Period, followed by Lunch to-go

About this event

  • Event lasts 3 hours
  • Free venue parking

The times indicate that there's no better message to SHARE now than the saving power of God's grace. We've planned an event for fellow Christians to join us in Richardson, TX, on the last Saturday in March 2025. Join us for thought-provoking messages from a cutting-edge group of church of Christ ministers from the D/FW area and adjacent states. Glean from inspirational messages from Chris Graham from West Freeway, Emery Tease from Dallas West, and Jim Mitchell from Cherokee Hills. They will deliver simple, powerful messages to encourage you and enable you to share with your connections so they understand the need for AND how to be saved. Learn to prepare for DAY-TO-DAY encounters with people who need to know God's love and protection are available for all. Salvation has been brought down to humanity; this is the best news ever for a dying world.

A panel discussion with audience questions will cap off the day's event. Registration for the "Salvation Has Been Brought Down" Lectures ends on Wednesday, March 26th. REGISTER NOW!

Frequently asked questions

What is your refund policy?

This is a FREE event, so no money is needed.

Is this auditorium wheelchair accessible?

Yes, absolutely and completely ADA-compliant

Can I bring children to the event?

Children are welcome to our events and services. However, childcare will not be available.

What about food options?

There will be gluten-free and vegan options for breakfast and lunch.

Organized by

Preparing God's Foot Soldiers to succeed in sharing the gospel
