Safe Sleep Ambassador Training

Safe Sleep Ambassador Training

Free virtual training & education on infant safe sleep

By Public Health - Dayton & Montgomery County

Select date and time

Thursday, May 15 · 10am - 12pm PDT



About this event

Every year, approximately 3600 babies die in the U.S. suddenly and unexpectedly in infancy. This is termed Sudden Unexpected Infant Death or SUID and is the number one cause of death for babies from 1 month to 1 year of age. Many of these deaths are due to babies being placed in unsafe sleep environments. These tragic losses could have been prevented by caregivers following the ABCs of safe sleep.

To get the safe sleep information out to our communities, we need partners to learn about safe sleep and commit to ensuring the message reaches every part of our community. You can make a difference by becoming a safe sleep ambassador through The EveryOne Reach One Safe Sleep Ambassador Training. This evidence-based program is designed to engage partners outside of healthcare and public health, such as college students and members of the faith community, in an effort to spread a consistent message of safe sleep to their community. With every new person that learns about safe sleep, there is one more person to promote the message, and caregivers are more likely to follow the advice of those they know and trust.

The Safe Sleep Ambassador Program is presented by both Angela Grayson, Community Health Advocate I for Public Health – Dayton & Montgomery County and Elaine Markland, BSN, RN, CPEN, Dayton Children’s Emergency Department Educator and Clinical Nurse. Angela will explain why babies are dying in our area, define the ABCs of safe sleep and review other recommendations by pediatric experts. Elaine will share her firsthand knowledge of unsafe sleep deaths, dispel myths and discuss practical strategies to promote the safe sleep message.

January - June 2025

  • Thursday 01/16/25
  • Thursday 02/20/25
  • Thursday 03/20/25
  • Thursday 04/17/25 - Sunrise Center1320 E. Fifth St., Dayton, OH 45402
  • Thursday 05/15/25
  • Thursday 06/19/25