Join us in caring for the Earth and her waterways by picking up the trash on the Lansing River Trail and the areas around our building!
We'll meet each month on the 1st at 11am unless it is actively raining or there is snow on the ground. UPDATES WILL NOT BE POSTED HERE so check the weather before heading out. Please bring comfortable, weather-appropriate clothing. We will have trash bags, hand sanitizer, and gloves available, but will also appreciate those who bring their own or extras to donate. You may also want to bring (or donate to the cause!) tongs or other trash grabbing tools, sharps containers, or anything else that might help with safe cleanup.
We will start from the church building and head south on Center Street, then west on Saginaw until we get to the trail. We'll walk for about 30 minutes together, picking up along the way, and then head back to the church building for disposal and cleanup. If we have enough people, we may split into two groups and cover the area out back between the church building and the river trail.
Children are welcome but must be under direct guardian supervision at all times.
ACCESSIBILITY NOTE: While our route will remain near pavement, part of our route on Center will not have an accessible sidewalk, so wheels may be in the street. Accessible parking is available. An accessible restroom is available inside the church building.