Rich Mountain Farm Stewardship Event

Rich Mountain Farm Stewardship Event

Join The Nature Conservancy for a biodiversity discussion, site visit, and volunteer stewardship workday.

By The Nature Conservancy

Date and time

Saturday, April 12 · 9am - 2pm EDT


Meet at the Chapel Parking Lot

30138 Poor Valley Road Saltville, VA 24370 United States

Refund Policy

Contact the organizer to request a refund.

About this event

  • Event lasts 5 hours

The Nature Conservancy invites you to join staff from our Clinch Valley program for a stewardship event at Rich Mountain Farm, a unique cove forest recognized as a high conservation value area. Tal Jacobs (TNC Conservation Forester) will describe the natural history of the Cove and discuss management of its biodiversity within the Conservation Forestry Program.

The site visit will be followed by a stewardship event to remove garlic mustard and moderate presence of grapevine in the forest canopy. The stewardship efforts will protect the native and rare wildflower plant communities and improve the overall health of the forest.

We need between 6-8 people to help and will meet at the chapel parking lot located at 30138 Poor Valley Road, Saltville, VA 24370. We will then drive a short distance to the entry gate to the property.

Prepare: Wear long pants and long sleeves for invasive work, sturdy work boots, gloves, water/snacks.

You'll receive a confirmation & reminder email about a week before the workday with additional details.

If you have questions between now and the event, please contact Nick Proctor,

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The Nature Conservancy’s mission is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends - here at home and around the world in 72 countries.

Every acre we protect, every river mile restored, every species brought back from the brink, begins with you.