Recovery Dharma Support Group - Mountainside NYC
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Recovery Dharma Support Group - Mountainside NYC

RD is a program unified by members’ trust in the potential of everyone to recover and find freedom from the suffering of addiction.

By Mountainside NYC

Select date and time

Monday, March 17 · 5:45 - 6:45pm EDT


Mountainside Treatment Center - New York City

243 West 18th Street New York, NY 10011

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour

Recovery Dharma (RD) is a movement and community that leans into Buddhist teachings. The program is unified by members’ trust in the potential of everyone to recover and find freedom from the suffering of addiction. Recovery is rooted in uncovering a person’s own inner wisdom and individual journey.

Mountainside’s meeting flow is as follows:

  • Opening: Brief readings establishing the principles of RD (i.e., provides an overview of the Four Noble Truths and Eightfold Path of Buddhism).
  • Meditation: Each meeting includes a 15 to 20-minute guided meditation.
  • Reading: Group reading from the RD book.
  • Discussion: Focuses on meditation and the reading to engage in a structured process of self-reflection with other members.
  • Sangha (aka fellowship): Working with “Wise Friends” and mentors to support others in the program and continue to reflect and attend meetings/retreats to deepen one’s understanding.

This in-person support group is free and open to everyone. Join us at Mountainside NYC and walk the path to recovery.

**To maintain the privacy and safety of our community, attending this family and friends addiction support group for educational or research purposes is not permitted. However, you may find helpful information through our drug glossary and blog.**

Organized by

Mountainside New York City is a hub for recovery. The three-story building in the Chelsea neighborhood offers a range of addiction treatment including outpatient counseling, psychiatric services, medication-assisted treatment, and recovery coaching for individuals wanting to heal from substance abuse. Mountainside NYC also provides support groups, educational opportunities, professional trainings, and wellness events for the entire NYC community.

A nationally acclaimed alcohol and drug rehabilitation center, Mountainside proudly celebrates more than 25 years of providing innovative and comprehensive addiction treatment. We are dedicated to healing you — mind, body, and spirit — helping you to stay motivated to change and empowering you to create a happier, healthier life for yourself.
