RECONNECTING TO SELF: Cultivating intuition and self trust after break up

RECONNECTING TO SELF: Cultivating intuition and self trust after break up

Join us online to learn how to trust your instincts and reconnect with yourself after a breakup!

By Ashley Lauer

Date and time

Monday, March 31 · 11am - 12:30pm PDT



About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour 30 minutes

RECONNECTING TO SELF: Cultivating intuition and self trust after break up

Date: Online event

Description: Going through a breakup can shake your sense of self and leave you feeling lost. Join us for a virtual event where we will explore ways to reconnect with your intuition and rebuild self-trust after a breakup. Through guided exercises and discussions, you'll learn how to listen to your inner voice and regain confidence in your decision-making. Let's embark on this journey of self-discovery together!

Frequently asked questions

What can I expect?

We will start off with a quick grounding session and connecting with others in the room, next we will move into guided exercises and discussions around self trust and intuition, and lastly we will end with some group coaching and Q&A.

Do I need to be going through a break up to attend?

Not at all! Whether you're single, in relationship, considering separation, or somewhere in between; you are still welcome to participate and gain insight from group shares and exercises <3

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