Purple Martins Coming to Seabrook Island

Purple Martins Coming to Seabrook Island

Jen Tyrrell Engagement Manager and Master Bird Bander for Audubon South Carolina

By Seabrook Island Birders

Date and time

Tuesday, May 13 · 7 - 9pm EDT


Seabrook Island Lake House

2319 Seabrook Island Road Johns Island, SC 29455


Untitled agenda

7:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Registration and Social

7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Introductions and Presentation

Jen Tyrrell

Jen Tyrrell, Engagement Manager and Master Bird Bander for Audubon South Carolina 

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours

Frequently asked questions

What is cost to attend

This event is free to SIB Members, SIPC Members $5 and Guests $10. If you are interested in becoming a SIB Member the annual fee is $15 and you may go here to join: https://seabrookislandbirders.org/join-sib/

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