Providence: Career Advancing Secrets For Professionals Just Like You!
OnDemand & EverGreen! No need to wait!! Start learning as soon as you register!! Take it whenever you want, for as many times as you want!!!
By Coach Michael Lin
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Thursday, August 14 · 7 - 7:30pm EDT
Providence Providence, RIRefund Policy
No Refunds
About this event
Career Advancing Secret for Professionals & Corporate Citizens!
This class is NOT for you, if you:
- Don't want to do any work;
- Just want to coast through life;
- Make minimum contribution to society;
- Demand the rest of society to provide for you.
This class is designed for you, if you:
- Are a professional;
- Have a skill that took you a lot of effort to obtain;
- Have a burning desire to advance your life!
- And advance your station in life, by using your own effort!!!
- You also want to remain an individual contributor, for you have no desire to climb the corporate lader and join the managerial class.
If: you want to solve you own real world challenges, AND, you realize you need deep learning,
Then: you can not afford to not take this class!!!
This class is "OnDemand" & "EverGreen"! There is no need to wait! You can start learning as soon as you register!
- So, you are a knowledge worker: You are a professional, you have a degree, you have a skill, your are a corporate citizen.
- How do you advance your career, in the "corporate jungle"? (without having to climb the corporate ladder, joining the "managerial class"?)
- You see others advance faster than you, (as individual contributors without joining the managerial class) what's their secret?
This is the One and Only class that will go deep and help you with the HOW, by teaching you the secrets that they won't tell you!
- Have you been trying to find "job security" but only to get your heart broken, again and again?
- Do you want to get ahead faster? Eliminate stress and frustration?
- Do you want to have more control of your own life, as a professional who is a corporate citizen?
- Are you doing what you want to do, as opposed to what the corporation need you to do?
- Are you frustrated when your loyalty toward the corporation is NOT appreciated by the corporation?
- Are you frustrated when the corporation have no loyalty toward you?
- Are you frustrated when your work/life is chaotic and out of control?
- Do you want to be more effective at managing your life?
- Do you want to be more influential at work, without having to climb the corporate ladder and joining the managerial class?
- Do you want to gain the respect of your team members? colleagues? bosses?
If that’s the case, this powerful class is for you!
- What is the secret to life as a corporate citizen?
- Why is seeking job security in the 21st century a waste of your valuable time?
- How the wrong approach - based on wrong understanding - toward corporate life - can ruin your career?
- What are the reasons why some corporate citizens advance their career much faster than others? (without climbing the corporate ladder and join the managerial class, without using any un_ethical tactics)
- What are some of the thoughts that are holding you back?
Ask yourself:
- If something were to happen to your current job, (your position is eliminated, the department you work for is eliminated, operation relocated to another continent, the entire company is driven out of business...) will other corporations compete amongst themselves to hire you? What is your level of preparedness? Do you even have a disaster readiness plan?
- What is your view on "opportunity"?
- You've seen it: some employees are highly sought after by corporations. What's their secret? How've they turned the table on the corporate world? Why do corporations compete amongst themselves to attract these kinds of employees? What do these employees know? What do they know that they are not sharing with you? Would you like to learn their secret, so you can be just as successful as they are?
- What are some of the deeper level thinkings that you have, that are holding you back and we need to break through?
- Are you brave enough to venture outside of the box? You don't want to live your life within the boundaries set on your mind by others, do you?
- Have you realized, you need "higher level thinking", in career planning?
Did you know:
- There are professionals & corporate citizens, who are highly sought after by corporations? No matter where they are at, they are constantly being approached with job offers?
- The secret to success in life, is NOT union membership, is NOT being a govt employee (for example: a clerk at motor vehicle registration), it's not life time employment... Those ideas are designed to keep you stationary, while others are running past you?
- Your understanding of “Job Security” is most likely wrong?
- Corporations try to keep you living in fear of losing your job?
- Those who advance faster, do NOT live in fear of losing their jobs, do NOT seek job security? Instead, they focus on something else completely, and create their own job security?
- You too can create your own job security, if you focus on just this one thing...
- You can "turn the table on corporations"!? Instead of you living in fear of losing your job, make them live in fear of losing you?!
- if your salary increase has come to a stop, it's because everything you know about salary increase is... wrong!
In this class, Coach Michael Lin gives away all his secrets! He holds nothing back!
What you will learn in this class:
You will earn:
- How to get inside the mind of the corporation, learn what/how they think, their cravings, desires, wants, fears...
- Unlearn some of the biggest myths out there regarding loyalty and job security, that are in the way of you advancing yourself in the corporate world!
- The history of loyalty between employees and corporations;
- The inconvenient truth about Job Security;
- What enabled the two way loyalty, from employees to corporations? from corporations to employees?
- What happened to the two way loyalty between corporations and employees?
- What enabled job security in the past?
- Why did Job Security and Loyalty disappear? What was the cause of it, and why corporations refuse to talk about what they did that caused both loyalty and job security to disappear?
- Why seeking job security in today's economy will result in you having no job security!?
- How does corporate America truly think of you - in today's economy?
- How do corporations utilize your "fear of losing your job" against you?
- Why is there no such thing as “job security" anymore?
- Why is it counterproductive, in the 21st century, to seek corporations to provide you with job security?
- In today's economy, instead of "seeking job security from corporations", what should you focus on?
- Why do you need to go deeper than "job security" in your thinking?
- What is the secret approach that all successful professionals use to advance their careers in the corporate world today?
- Upgrade your old beliefs that are holding you back to new beliefs that will drive you forward;
- The #1 thought you must hold in your head - at all times;
- What makes you weak when you need to be strong?
- What is the wrong approach to view the corporation that you are employed at?
- Will "seeking job security provided by an employer" in today's economy actually help you to get what you want? or is it counterproductive? a dead end? Or is it the most dangerous approach and totally "soul murdering..."?
- Is salary really the compensation you should be focused on?
- Why do most people fail, by focusing on salary?
- What is the longer term, higher level compensation, you should be focused on, for your own career advancement?
- What is the new "fair trade" between you, and the corporation?
- What are the two things you need to bring to the table?
- What are the two things you need to expect/demand from corporations? And they are only too happy to comply with your expectations and provide them to you, for FREE!!!??? (but only to those who ask for them!)
- If the advancement of your career progression is stuck, your understanding of "opportunity" is most likely wrong;
- What is the right approach to your corporate life, in the office, in the 21st century? How is that 180 different from the 1950s?
- How to get respect from corporations instead of getting bullied and abused by them?
- How do you make yourself a "hot commodity"?
- How to utilize the corporation to improve yourself, as a better wiser stronger person?
- The secret on how to turn the table on corporations, that all successful professionals are using! Instead of you living in fear of losing your job, how you can turn the table on corporations: have corporations live in fear of losing you!
- This strategy creates a win/win situation for everyone: corporation, management, yourself, and your family! Everyone wins!
- This class will teach you this secret, and knowing this secret will be a total game changer for your success, in the corporate jungle, as a corporate citizen, without having to take up leadership responsibilities.
- And the way to implement this strategy will: cost you nothing, as the corporation will pay for it, and you will get paid to implement it!!!
- How to make corporations help you to get what you want, with your success, and have them pay for it!?
- What is the number 1 criteria that should be your top concern, when deciding on a job?
- Why do today's corporations like it if you play the game this way, instead of demanding job security?
- How to get employers to compete amongst themselves to come hire you!?
- Instead of you begging them for job security, have they compete amongst themselves to hire you! To give you money, and to give you yet another opportunity to make yourself even more desireble!
- We will go deep, we will go very deep, this is unlike any of your "run of the mill" classes. Your mind will be stretched, your thinking will be expanded! And you will be glad that you took this class, and you will thank yourself for making the wise decision of taking this class!
In this class, Coach Michael Lin gives away all his secrets! He holds nothing back!
After taking this class, you will be able to:
- Bring the best out of your best self;
- Overcome beliefs that are currently holding you back;
- Become more capable in your professional/personal life.
- Advance your career faster in less time
- Get the corporation working for you instead of working against you
Comments from those who took this class:
- "I used to spend all my time/energy seeking job security. I was weak in the mind, lived in fear, supplicating to corporations, and allowed them to take advantage of me. I now hold my head high, live with self respect, and create my own "job security"!"
- "My life was chaotic and out of control before I took this class. After learning concepts taught in this class, I now have the corporate world working for me, instead of working against me!"
- "The insights in this class are amazing! I used to focus on salary only and boy o boy did that backfired on me, bigtime! After taking this class, I upgraded my thinking to a whole new level of thinking, my career advancement is no longer "stuck in stagnation", it's now advancing faster and faster, with less and less stress and frustration!"
You should take this OnDemand EverGreen Class if:
- You live in the real world, you have real world challenges you need to overcome.
- You are a doer, you are a thinker, and you are a lifelong learner.
- You challenge yourself to constantly do more so you can learn more, learn more so you can do more.
- You get a kick out of solving problems, you get a bigger kick out of helping others to learn how to solve problems - on their own!
- You enjoy playing the game of: "Never ending upward spiral personal evolution."
You will lose: Unhelpful ideas that have been holding you down :-(
You will gain: New thinking that will catapult you to the next level!