Pricing and Profit Management Networking Tour Winter '25 – Minneapolis

Pricing and Profit Management Networking Tour Winter '25 – Minneapolis

Education, Entertainment and ENERGY to transform your pricing practices and envision your possibilities in pricing.

By Pricing and Profit Management

Date and time

Monday, March 24 · 2:30 - 5:30pm CDT


Minneapolis Club

729 2nd Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55402 United States

Refund Policy

No Refunds


2:30 PM

Doors Open, Networking

3:00 PM - 3:45 PM

Pricing Practitioner Opening Speaker

3:45 PM

Pricing Spineometer Update with Tim J. Smith, PhD

Tim J. Smith, PhD

Founder and CEO, Wiglaf Pricing, Adjunct Professor of Marketing, DePaul University, Academic Advisor to the Professional Pricing Society Certified Pricing Professional (CPP) program. For over twenty-...

4:30 PM

A Word From Our Sponsors

4:45 PM

Discussions and Mingling

5:30 PM

Meeting Adjourned

About this event

The Pricing and Profit Management Tour will Educate, Entertain, and Energize pricing professionals, teams, and other professionals impacting and impacted by pricing decisions.

Educational talks and energizing networking define the tour’s purpose. Engage with peers and experts in pricing. Celebrate your team or recruit your next hire.

Call for speakers: If you would like to provide an opening 40-minute talk, submit your title and abstract to

Early Bird ticket sales end on Monday, March 10th.

Featured Speakers

Tim J. Smith, PhD

Founder and CEO, Wiglaf Pricing, Adjunct Professor of Marketing, DePaul University, Academic Advisor to the Professional Pricing Society Certified Pricing Professional (CPP) program.

Tim J. Smith, public intellectual on pricing strategy, will share the latest case studies on corporate organizational capabilities in pricing through the lens of the Pricing Spineometer along with an economic outlook of pricing challenge to address in Q2 2025.

Mantra: Choose to be happy.

Enable helps manufacturers, distributors and retailers turn rebates into a strategic growth engine. Enable's easy-to-use, collaborative, scalable rebate management platform lets you take control of your rebates, showing the influence and impact strategic rebate programs have on your company's growth, returns and opportunities.


Wiglaf Pricing is a boutique consultancy specializing in pricing strategy and pricing capability development. Executives choose Wiglaf Pricing due to our integrity, flexibility, and thought leadership.

Wiglaf Pricing is Helping Executives Manage Price Better.™

Frequently asked questions

Dress code?

A relaxed, well-dressed look described as "Smart Casual" is welcomed throughout the club. Smart Casual may include jeans, denim, and collar-less shirts.


The Minneapolis Club offers 24/7 parking in our seven floor covered ramp. For more details and pricing, visit:


Check in at the front desk at the Minneapolis Club for room directions.

Organized by

The mission of Pricing and Profit Management is to grow and foster the Chicagoland community of pricing professionals and those in related areas of sales, marketing, and finance.


“I now have 20 new ideas to try and implement”Jason Fitzpatrick, Sr. Pricing Manager, Pentair