Preparing for Your Grand Canyon Rim to Rim Hike

Preparing for Your Grand Canyon Rim to Rim Hike

Get ready for the ultimate Grand Canyon adventure with tips, tricks, and essential gear for your Rim to Rim hike!

By Just Roughin' It Adventure Company

Date and time

Wednesday, April 2 · 6:30 - 7:30pm MST


10880 N 32nd St

10880 North 32nd Street Phoenix, AZ 85028

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour

Preparing for Your Grand Canyon Rim to Rim Hike

Many of you may be contemplating your first, or tenth Rim to Rim hike. Let the experts - that would be us because we've hiked Grand Canyon so many times, with so many people that we lost count - somewhere around 100 with around 400+ people - but who's counting?

We will provide you some tips about trying to get prepared, what to bring for food and drink, proper footwear and clothing, what to expect (climate, trail, other people, etc.) and how to hopefully make it through in one piece. This seminar is geared towards those hiking in a day, but most of this information applies to anyone hiking over multiple days. And since many of you need time to train, February/March is when many of you will want to start! So, best to know now what you are getting yourselves into:)

If you want to have a one up on the discussion and be able to follow along, consider purchasing the Rim to Rim in a Day E-Guide. This guide will cover in depth much more than will be covered in this seminar because there is way too much information to cover in 90 minutes.

This is a free event!

There will be no handouts - saving paper kind of thing, so bring something to write on and with if you want to take notes.

Organized by

We are an independent and local owned outdoor gear store in North Phoenix. We aim to share our knowledge and that of others to get more people outside!

We do have some rules when signing up for our events...

If you sign up, please attend. If you cannot attend, please cancel your space(s) as soon as you can so others can join, and so we know what to expect the day of the event. Most of our events are free so please don't be THAT person:). Thanks!!