Prenatal Yoga (Online)

Prenatal Yoga (Online)

A prenatal yoga class just for expectant mothers. - (BB, ON)

By Stanford Children's Health- Pregnancy and Newborn

Select date and time

Sunday, March 16 · 4:30 - 5:30pm PDT



Refund Policy

Refunds up to 2 days before event

About this event

Experience the holistic benefits of yoga during pregnancy in this class. Our Prenatal Yoga (Online) class is specifically designed to address the changing needs of the body during pregnancy, emphasizing posture adjustment, spine stretching, hip opening, balance building, and upper and lower body strengthening. Gentle, slow stretches, accompanied by controlled breathing provides a soothing effect to the muscles, nerves and deeper internal organs.

Classes will be conducted via Zoom, allowing you to participate from the comfort of your own space. Please note that we require all participants to have their video cameras on during this class. This enables your instructor to observe your form and posture, making any necessary adjustments to optimize your yoga practice.

Class Length: One session, 1 hour

Class Fee: $20

Partners: If they are interested, partners are also welcome to attend prenatal yoga with the expectant mother. The instructor’s focus will only be on the expectant mother, but the partner is welcome to participate to the side or in the back. This invitation of partners is only applicable for our online format.

Materials needed: Please have a yoga block and mat for class. If you have tender knees or wrists, a blanket or towel is also recommended to support your joints. Dress comfortably as well.

When to take this class: This class can be taken at any point in your pregnancy unless otherwise advised by your physician. It is best to start classes early in your pregnancy, and we welcome you to continue taking classes leading up to your delivery.

Interested in registering for this class at a discounted rate? View our package options.

Perinatal Program Website | Cancellation Policy | Package Options

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