Platte County R-III Class of 2006 School Tour and 20th Reunion

Platte County R-III Class of 2006 School Tour and 20th Reunion

Get ready to reunite with your Platte County R-III Class of 2006 classmates for a night of reminiscing, laughter, and creating new memories

By Bill Robbins


Platte County Fairgrounds

15730 Fairgrounds Rd Platte Purchase Building Platte City, MO 64079 United States

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 1 day before event
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.


12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

Class Tour of PCHS

Time is currently TBA. Families are definitely welcome to attend the tour as well!

5:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Class Reunion

The reunion will be held at the Platte Purchase building at the Platte County fairgrounds. The ticket price includes dinner and covering the cost to rent the space. Dinner will begin around 6 pm and ...

About this event

  • Event lasts 4 hours

Welcome Platte County R-III Class of 2006!

Come join us for our 20th Reunion in Platte City, MO, USA. It's time to catch up, reminisce, and make new memories with old friends. Let's celebrate two decades since graduation with a night of laughter, music, and good company. Don't miss out on this chance to reconnect and relive the good old days. See you there!

Frequently asked questions

Is the school tour free?

Yes! There is no charge for this.

Is the breakfast/lunch gathering on Sunday free?

The online ticket for it is free but whatever you buy at the restaurant for food/drink will cost.

What events will be for families?

The tour and the breakfast/lunch gathering on Sunday as the Saturday reunion event will be adults only.

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