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Philadelphia Entrepreneurs: What businesses are easy to start, for your situation?

OnLine, OnDemand, EverGreen & No Waiting! Start learning as soon as you register! Take it whenever you want! As many times as you want!!!

By Coach Michael Lin

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Tuesday, March 18 · 7 - 8:30pm EDT



Philadelphia Philadelphia, PA

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About this event

What businesses are easy to start, for your specific situation?

So, you are a knowledge worker, you are a professional, you are a "Corporate Citizen", you are good at your job...

But you want to advance yourself to the next level, start your own business, be your own boss, be the captain of your own ship!

All you can think about is how to escape your corporate job, and become your own boss!!

You want to know:

  1. What is having a business all about?
  2. What does it take, to run a business?
  3. What does it take, to start a business, from scratch?
  4. What does it take, to start a business, from scratch, for someone who has no experience with business?
  5. What does it take, to start a business, from scratch, for yourself, for your current/particular situation?
  6. What weaknesses and disadvantages do you have?
  7. What strengths & advantages do you have?
  8. What businesses are not suitable for your particular situation?
  9. What businesses are suitable for your particular situation?
  10. For your particular situation, what businesses are hard to start, from scratch?
  11. What businesses are easy to start, from scratch, for your particular situation?
  12. What businesses are impossible, for you to get involved, for the time being? at this stage of your life?
  13. How much money do you need, to start your own business?
  14. What other resources do you need, to start your own business?
  15. What are the logistics required to start your own business?

If that’s the case, this powerful class is for you! This class will teach you what you NEED to know, so you can escape your corporate job, start your own business and be your own boss - all based on facts and logic, not emotion.

This Class is OnLine, OnDemand & EverGreen, which means you don't have to wait! You can take this Class Right NOW!

Link to the class will be sent to you as soon as you register!!!

Ask yourself:

  1. Why is it: some people succeed in starting their own business, and successfully escape the corporate world?
  2. Why is it: other people try and fail with their "escape attempt", and crawl back to the corporate world, begging for their old job back?
  3. For those who fail, what is it, that they don't know? And don't know that they don't know? What info, knowledge, insights, wisdom, are inside of their own "blind spot", and outside of their awareness?
  4. For those who succeed, what is it, that they know, but are not telling you?
  5. If you knew what it takes, if you had the skill, the knowledge, the know-how, the insights, the wisdom, to start businesses, would you still be here, working for others? using your blood and sweat to help people who are already richer than you to get even richer? Where would you be today with your life?
  6. What are you waiting for?

Did you know:

  1. Business skill, is a skill that's just like any other skill: it can be learned. Anyone can learn it. But first, you need to un_learn many of your "employee mindset", that is holding your back?
  2. You could get the corporation to help you, to start your own business? You could get your corporate job, your corporate manager, to teach you skills that are essential to being your own boss?
  3. There are baby steps you can take? For example: you could be "effectively in business" for yourself, while still being part of the corporate world?

What You Will Learn In This Class:

  1. What businesses are easy for you to start, at your current stage of life?
  2. What businesses are hard for you to start, at your current stage of life?
  3. What businesses are impossible for you to start, at your current stage of life?
  4. How to evaluate businesses, in terms of level of how easy, or how hard, for someone to get into?
  5. What business will take how much money for you to get into?
  6. What businesses will take the least amount of money for you to get into?
  7. In addition to capital investment, what other resources do you need, in order for you to successfully escape your corporate job and become your own boss?
  8. What business will have the least, or the most impact, on your family life?
  9. How to do the same corporate job that you are currently doing, without any of the shenanigans of being a corporate citizen?
  10. How to effectively put yourself in business, while still being part of the corporate world?
  11. How to get the corporate world, to help you, with your successful transition from being an employee to being your own boss?
  12. How to get the corporate world, your current employer, and your current boss, to teach you skills you will need, for you to become the boss of your own business?
  13. Should you sell yourself, by the hour?
  14. Should you sell your ability, by the piece?
  15. Should you sell merchandise?
  16. Which is easier to start? Which has a glass ceiling? Which is more complicated?
  17. How to choose what merchandise to sell?
  18. Do you need to learn accounting? Do you want to learn accounting? Do you have to learn accounting?
  19. How much accounting knowledge do you need?
  20. What sort of business would not require you to know accounting?
  21. What sort of business would need you to know accounting?
  22. Which type of business has a glass ceiling in terms of your earning potential? What sort of business will enable you to scale?
  23. What sort of businesses are suitable for home operation?
  24. What sort of business can be operated without meeting customers?
  25. What sort of business would need you to meet customers online via video?
  26. What sort of business would need you to meet customers in person?
  27. What are the safety concerns for your business that you need to pay attention to?
  28. At what point of your business growth do you need to move your operation out of your home?
  29. What are the ups and downs of moving your operation out of your home?
  30. What type of property should you rent?
  31. Should you sign a short term lease or a long term lease? What are the ups and downs of signing short term leases vs signing long term leases?
  32. At what level will you need to hire employees?
  33. What are the upsides as well as downsides of having employees?
  34. Should you buy a business?
  35. Is buying a business the right thing for you, if you don't have any business experience?
  36. If you don't have any business experience, will buying a business solve your problem of lacking business experience?
  37. How to analyse businesses like an engineer?
  38. What are the different levels of business? With their different levels of profitability?
  39. Dissecting business for you, ranking businesses for you, in terms of their levels of complexity, layer by layer, for your comprehension. So you will no longer be confused, you will no longer be intimidated by the complexity of business.
  40. What "employee thinking" that you must un_learn?
  41. Inventory control.
  42. Cost accounting.
  43. Holding cost.
  44. New customer vs existing customer, which one is "better", "better" in what way?
  45. What businesses will enable you to duplicate/multiply yourself?
  46. Is your inventory appreciating? or depreciating?
  47. Pros and Cons of "scaling up".
  48. How to reduce and or eliminate inventory holding cost?
  49. How to get financing for your inventory?
  50. Is "margin" the concern for choosing a merchandise?
  51. How to allocate your finite capital, for max return?
  52. What are the costs associated with hiring employees?
  53. Hobby vs Business. What's the difference? Are you confusing a hobby with a business?
  54. Is manufacturing a good business idea as your first business?
  55. What are the considerations for getting into a manufacturing business?
  56. Should you get into offshore manufacturing as your first business?
  57. What do you need to know if you want to run a restaurant?
  58. Is being able to cook guaranteeing your ability to run a profitable restaurant?
  59. What about a food manufacturing business?
  60. Is tech startup easy?
  61. How to get investors to want to invest with your tech startup?
  62. What do you need to know to run a startup?
  63. What do you need to know in order to negotiate with investors?
  64. What makes a tech startup "take off"?
  65. How do tech startup founders lose their startup to investors?
  66. Is buying a business a good idea for you?
  67. Who should buy an existing business? Who should NOT be buying an existing business?
  68. What are the two major different types of business for sale?
  69. Which type of business you should not be buying?
  70. If you can NOT start a business without money, can you start a business with money?
  71. Do you need formal business education from expensive educational institutions?
  72. Why you should NOT be copying existing big businesses?
  73. How to truly acquire business knowledge?
  74. What are some of the employee mindsets that you must unlearn, uninstall, in order for you to successfully escape your corporate job and become your own boss?
  75. Is being in business for yourself "hip" & "glamours"?
  76. Everyone has their own "forte", what is your forte that you can utilize? that you should utilize? for your own "Great Escape" from your current corporate job and become your own boss?
  77. A number of business examples, utilized to demonstrate various levels of business complexity, from easy to progressively difficult, with additional challenges at each level.

We will go deep, we will go very deep, this is unlike any of your "run of the mill" classes.

This class is for people who want to hear the truth; this class is only for those who are strong enough to handle the truths.

- This class will NOT sugar coat, and tell you what you want to hear;
- This class will teach you what you NEED to know, so you can make informed decisions, based on facts and logic, not emotion.

This Class is OnLine, OnDemand & EverGreen, which means you don't have to wait! You can take this Class Right NOW!

Link to the class will be sent to you as soon as you register!!!

After taking this class, you will be able to:

  1. Understand what "being in business" is all about;
  2. Understand what does it take, to start a business, from scratch;
  3. Understand what businesses, are easy to start, for your particular situation;
  4. Upgrade your old beliefs that are holding you back to new beliefs that will drive you forward;
  5. Your mind will be stretched, your thinking will be expanded! And you will be glad that you took this class, and you will thank yourself for making the wise decision of taking this class!
  6. Get your corporate job working for your quest to start your own business, instead of working against your quest to start your own business;
  7. Become more capable in planning your "Great Escape";
  8. Bring the best out of your best self - for what you want to do;
  9. Overcome beliefs that are currently holding you back;
  10. Advance your life faster in less time, to the direction/destination of your choosing!
  • You will lose: Unhelpful ideas that have been holding you down :-(
  • You will gain: New thinking that will catapult you to the next level!

This class will teach you what you NEED to know, so you can escape your corporate job, start your own business and be your own boss - all based on facts and logic, not emotion.

Comments from those who took this class:

  1. I want to upgrade myself from being a corporate citizen, to being my own boss. But I didn't know if that's possible for someone like me: My parents are not business owners, and I know nothing about business. After taking this class, I now know for sure: I too, can quit being a corporate citizen, and become my own boss! This is a skill that anyone can learn!!!
  2. I used to get intimidated by "business talk" , they seem complex and mysterious, and I felt inadequate for not understanding them, and I didn't want to experience the humiliation of letting others find out I didn't know. This class explained different levels of business complexity, layer by layer, which is EXACTLY what I've been craving to learn, and I was able to learn them, in the comfort and privacy of my own home!
  3. I tried to learn about business on my own, but it seems those so called "info" out there, are either full of fluff, or full of hype, unwilling and refusing to teach me what I really need to learn, and certainly not organized and taught in a systematic manner. This is the only education on starting your own business, that's reality based, for it teaches you what you really need to know.
  4. This class is jam packed full of useful info! No fluff, no hype, no BS, everything is reality based. "What does it take to do what for whom"; "What is realistically pracractical for whom to do what at what stage of his/her life." The teaching is 100% based on fact and logic.
  5. Not only is the teaching content amazing, the teaching method is also top notch! Coach Michael Lin has a super effective method to explain complicated subject matters, making the learning process enjoyable for me!

You should take this Online, OnDemand & EverGreen Class if:

  1. You live in the real world, you have real world challenges you need to overcome.
  2. You are a doer, you are a thinker, and you are a lifelong learner.
  3. You want to achieve more, by doing more;
  4. You want to keep the fruits of your own labor;
  5. You want to get ahead faster: Eliminate stress, frustration and negativity;
  6. You are frustrated when your work/life is chaotic and out of control;
  7. You want to have more control of your own life;
  8. You want to be more effective at managing your life;
  9. You want to do what you want to do, as opposed to what the corporation needs you to do;
  10. You are frustrated when your loyalty toward the corporation is NOT appreciated by the corporation;
  11. You are heartbroken when you realize the corporation has no loyalty toward you;
  12. You want to gain the respect of your family, friends, neighbors, and society at large;
  13. You have realized, you have your own "higher level calling", in your "strategic planning".
  14. You have also realized: you need to break through some of your deeper level thinking/belief, that is holding you back.
  15. You are brave enough to venture outside of the box. You don't want to, you absolutely refuse to, live your life within the boundaries set on your mind - by others.
  16. You enjoy playing the game of: "Never ending upward spiral personal evolution."

This Class is OnLine, OnDemand & EverGreen, which means you don't have to wait! You can take this Class Right NOW!

Link to the class will be sent to you as soon as you register!!

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