PCS with Success

PCS with Success

Are you preparing to PCS out of MCAS Iwakuni? Do not forget to take this mandatory class, for USMC servicemembers, before it's too late!

By MCCS Iwakuni - Information & Referral

Select date and time

Thursday, March 13 · 9 - 11:30am JST


Sakura Theater

Sakura Theater Iwakuni, Yamaguchi 740-0025 Japan

Refund Policy

Contact the organizer to request a refund.

About this event

PCS with Success is designated for USMC servicemembers who have PCS orders to any military station across the world. This is a mandatory class (MCO 1754.10B) that transferring service members need to attend 60-90 days prior to their departure from MCAS Iwakuni.

Service members do not have to wait until they receive their orders to attend the class, and in many cases waiting until then will affect the check-out process. Attendance of this class is the only way IPAC will give service members their plane tickets.

IR&R | 253-3357