Palm Springs Time Management Secrets For Busy Professionals Just Like You!
This class is OnDemand & EverGreen! Start learning as soon as you register!! Take it whenever you want, for as many times as you want!!!
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Palm Springs
Palm Springs Palm Springs, CARefund Policy
About this event
10 Time Management Secrets They Won’t Teach You!
- If you want shallow, superficial "edu_tain_ment"? this class is NOT for you.
- If you want deep learning, to solve real world challenges, you can not afford to not take this class!!!
This class is "OnDemand" & "EverGreen"! There is no need to wait! You can start learning as soon as you register!
- Have you taken a class on time management, but find it hard to implement what they told you?
- There are plenty of classes on Time Management - they may tell you what you need to do...
- But they don't tell you the "HOW"!!! HOW to bring yourself to do what needs to be done?
This is the One and Only class that will go deeper and help you with the HOW, by teaching you the secrets that they won't tell you!
- Do you want to get ahead faster? Eliminate stress and frustration? Have more time?
- Are you trying to get yourself to want to do what you need to do?
- Are you frustrated when you experience procrastination?
- Are you frustrated when you fail to convince others to stop interrupting you?
- Are you frustrated when your work/life is chaotic and out of control?
- Do you want to be more effective at managing your time and more importantly: your life?
- Do you want to be more effective at getting others to stop interrupting you? start executing/implementing your plans? (Including but not limited to: team members, colleagues, outside vendors, customers, even bosses? Yes, even bosses!)
- Do you want to gain the respect of your team members? colleagues? Even your bosses?
If that’s the case, this powerful class is for you!
- What is "Time Management"? And more crucially: what "Time Management" is NOT?
- Why do your feelings play such an important part in your ability to manage your time?
- How emotions affect your ability to manage time, affect your ability to plan and organize, affect your ability (or lack of ability) to implement your plans?
- How have some of the most successful people been utilizing these human feelings to their own Time Management successes? (And how you can do the same, if you master your skills on how to utilize your intelligence about human emotions in Time Management!)
Have you ever attended a time management seminar, and it taught you a bunch of ideas, but you have not been able to carry them out? This class will help you to figure out:
- the reasons why you’ve not been able to execute those ideas.
- what are some of the thoughts that are holding you back.
It’s like we all know we should go to the gym, but it’s hard to actually get us to the gym, and this class will help you to figure out the hidden reasons why you’ve not been able to get to the gym, so you can get to the gym and work out and enjoy all the benefits!
Ask yourself:
- Can time be "managed"? Can time even be "saved"?
- To what degree, can you control external events? To what degree, do external events control you?
- Have you realized, you need "higher level thinking", in time management?
- Are you brave enough to venture outside of the box? You don't want to live your life within the boundaries set on your mind by others, do you?
- What are some of the deeper level thinkings that you have, that are holding you back and we need to break through?
Did you know:
- So many of the things you wish you could do but are not doing, can be done, with your improved/enhanced mastery of Time Management?
- People who advance faster, advance faster due to their secret understanding of Time Management?
- You too, can speed up the pace of your business/career advancement, by improving your mastery of Time Management?
- Your understanding of “what is Time Management” is most likely wrong?
- There are entire modern industries that are based on their deep insights into human emotions? Yet they keep their insights a secret to themselves? And they use their secret insights to steal your attention hence your time, for their profit?
- You can do the same?! You too, can utilize your science based accurate understanding of human nature, in your Time Management endeavor?! to prevent your time from being stolen!
- Smart people utilize pain/pleasure in smart ways - for their own success?
- By gaining insights into short/long term pain/pleasure, you will find it easier to do what you need/have to do?
- By working on improving your time management skills, you also improve your strategic planning skill? your communication skill? Your negotiation skill?
- You need to apply emotional intelligence in time management?
- Improving your own time management skill, is actually “character building”? it can make you more courageous? it can make you a stronger person?! it develops and enhances your negotiation skills? Your ability to “manage up”, “managing your managers”? To gain the courage to stand up for yourself? which ultimately helps you to gain respect from everyone around you - including your bosses?
In this class, Coach Michael Lin gives away all his secrets! He holds nothing back!
What you will learn in this class:
- The truth about Time Management;
- Many of the time management ideas are simple, but not easy. This class will make them easier for you. So you can take action on those ideas, to execute those ideas.
- How human feelings affect our ability to manage time.
- How to manage your feelings so you can utilize your emotional states to manage your time.
- How to figure out the beliefs that create the attitudes, and use it to change people’s attitudes so you will do better at saying no to time wasters.
- Unlearn some of the biggest confusions out there regarding Time Management, that are in the way of you improving your ability to manage your time!
- Why Time Management is NOT about managing time!
- Why do you need to go deeper than "to do"? and start working on how you feel and get yourself into the right emotional state in order to manage your time better?
- The secret technique successful people use: utilizing the right motivators and the right incentives and inspirations... to effectively manage the emotions of themselves in order to manage their time better?
- Upgrade your old beliefs that are holding your back to new beliefs that will drive you forward.
- What feelings inside of you, are delaying/preventing you, from delegating more? How to overcome these feelings that are preventing you from moving forward and moving forward faster? What feelings are preventing you from spending more of your valuable time on doing tasks that are of higher value? long term value? like strategic planning?
- What are some of the biggest and most common confusions that are causing you to remain unable to say no to people interrupting you? wasting your valuable time? breaking your concentration?
- A simple 3 step trick to give yourself a second morning in the same day! without mind stimulating substances!
- The difference between activity and result. This class is designed for those who wish to excel under meritocracy - success based on the merit of your performance.
- The fear of the long term perpetual pain, should be utilized by you, and have been utilized by people who get ahead in life, as an effective tool to influence, persuade and inspire everyone, including yourself!
- How to gain respect from other employees, and your boss, so they respect your time? For your own career development?
- The truth about Multitasking. When should you NOT be multitasking? And when you should?
- What causes procrastination? How to overcome procrastination?
- Should you start with the hardest, the most difficult part of the task first?
- Why Organizing and Planing are important in Time Management?
- How to build momentum?
- How to maintain momentum?
- Why you should NOT be telling others about your latest new ideas and inspirations?
- What to do instead, when you have a flash of new idea?
- Is it possible to use brute force to combat/defeat procrastination?
- What do you do, when inspiration refuses to come? Can you “summon” it to appear?
- Is it true that some people don’t experience procrastination?
- Which tasks should you do first? Second? Last? How to plan the sequence of events?
- What tasks should be performed during what time of the day? Which part of the day? And why?
- How to compose a difficult email? How to compose a long and difficult document? And how to make writing long and difficult emails and or documents easier? How to not only make the task easier, but also produce a higher quality product?
- How to avoid long term problems that will cost you more time down the road?
- Why understanding business and organizational structure can help you save time? Why the deeper your understanding of business & or organizational structure, the better you will be skilled at utilizing your time?
- Why you must delegate. How to utilize delegation to save your time.
- Other Time Management classes tell you to say “no” to time wasters but won't teach you how to sum up the courage to say so! This class will teach you how to develop your courage to say no, this class will help you to become the sort of person who is capable of saying no. Other classes tell you want to do, but won't teach you the "how". This class will teach you the "how".
- Those time wasters, why do they insist on wasting your time, and how to handle them? How to say no? How to prevent them from wasting your time in the future?
- The #1 thought you must hold in your head, that will enable you to say no, that will save you from being sucked into their blackhole, that will prevent you from being weak when you need to be strong.
- How emotional intelligence helps you to say no.
- How to utilize emotional intelligence to protect yourself, to be able to say no, from others wasting your time.
- What is the purpose of communication, in the office? How is that 180 different from communication at home?
- How to utilize improving time management to improve yourself, as a better wiser stronger person?
- The inconvenient truth about the reality of life, and how to handle it.
- How to give yourself 2 mornings every day? When you are fully refreshed and sharp?
- Instead of forcing yourself to manage time, do this instead.
- How to combat “too much coffee can’t go to sleep but need to wake up early” negative cycle.
- Why there is no such thing as “managing time"? Instead of time, what do we really need to manage?
- What are in your subconscious mind that are preventing you from utilizing your time more effectively?
- What are NOT yet in your subconscious mind that WILL help you to become more efficient at utilizing your time?
- We will go deep, we will go very deep, this is unlike any of your run of the mill Time Management classes. Your mind will be stretched, your thinking will be expanded! And you will be glad you took this class, and you can thank yourself for your wise decision on taking this class! You will thank yourself for making the wise decision of taking this class!
In this class, Coach Michael Lin gives away all his secrets! He holds nothing back!
After taking this class, you will be able to:
- Bring the best out of your best self.
- Overcome beliefs that are holding you back
- Enjoy reduced stress and anxiety, greater productivity, higher levels of performance and a greater sense of teamwork.
- Become more capable in your professional/personal life.
- Prioritize crucial projects, manage conflicting demands, reduce pressure and master multiple tasks with confidence
- Get more done in less time
- Get the clock working for you instead of against you
- Handle with ease all of the unexpected demands and unplanned situations that destroy the most careful scheduling
- Know what to do first — when everything is a priority and expectations are high
- Know when to use Multi-tasking, and when NOT to use Multi-tasking
- Utilize Delegation
- Know how to relax and recharge
- Use time management skills to achieve greater work-life balance.
Comments from those who took this class:
- "Thanks to Coach Michael Lin, I developed a Deep Understanding of the nature of my procrastination. I now know how to handle it, and produce high quality products despite initial procrastinations."
- "As a result of the Insights and Skills I learned from this class, I finally became able to confidently say no to time wasters & interruptions, in a way that's totally congruent and authentic."
- "My life was chaotic and out of control before I took this class. After learning concepts like "sequence of events" and "prioritization" from this class, I am now not only great at planning, but also great at implementation!"
- "I used to believe in 'not letting go' in order to 'protect my turf', and that only resulted in the stagnation of my career growth. After taking this class, I upgraded my thinking from 'protect my turf' to proactively delegating tasks away. The results are in: I freed myself up to do tasks of high value, my 'turf' got bigger not smaller, and my career advancement is now moving forward at a much faster pace!"
- "The tips in the class are amazing! I can now create two mornings within the same 24 hour period, without all the negative consequences of too much coffee!"
You should take this OnDemand EverGreen Class if:
- You live in the real world, you have real world challenges you need to overcome.
- You are a doer, you are a thinker, and you are a lifelong learner.
- You challenge yourself to constantly do more so you can learn more, learn more so you can do more.
- You get a kick out of solving problems, you get a bigger kick out of helping others to learn how to solve problems - on their own!
- You enjoy playing the game of: "Never ending upward spiral personal evolution."
And you want:
- More time out of your day;
- Less stress;
- Higher productivity;
- Do less work yet make more money for yourself!
- Real insights, not "Corporate Fluff", to solve your real world problems!
- So you can solve bigger challenges and make bigger contributions.
You will lose: Unhelpful ideas that have been holding you down :-(
You will gain: New thinking that will catapult you to the next level!
This Class is OnDemand & EverGreen, which means you don't have to wait! You can take this Class Right NOW!
Attendees often make the following comments during the seminar:
- "You know attending a leadership seminar is a hit or a miss, right? Today is definitely a hit."
- "I got a text from a co-worker back in the office, asking me if I was bored at the seminar. I text her back with: 'Surprisingly, it's not only not boring, it's actually highly educational!'"
- "I am 57 years old and I've attended a lot of seminars over the decades. I must say, today's seminar has been the best seminar I've ever attended."