Old-Growth Forest Celebration: Colton Point State Park- Tioga County, PA

Old-Growth Forest Celebration: Colton Point State Park- Tioga County, PA

A community hike to commemorate the induction & celebration of Colton Point State Park into the Old-Growth Forest Network.

By Old-Growth Forest Network

Date and time

Monday, April 28 · 12 - 3pm EDT


927 Colton Rd

927 Colton Road Wellsboro, PA 16901

About this event

  • Event lasts 3 hours

Join us as we celebrate Colton Point State Park in Tioga County, PA! The state park is located in north central Pennsylvania and is situated on the west rim of Pine Creek Gorge, also known as the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon. Please stay tuned for more information. Photo courtesy of Robert Llewellyn.

Please be sure to wear appropriate footwear and bring layers as the weather might change, as well as plenty of water and snacks.

Do you want to learn more about the Old-Growth Forest Network? Find out more at www.oldgrowthforest.net! Photo courtesy of John Cook.

Organized by

The Old-Growth Forest Network is the only national network in the U.S. of protected, old-growth, native forests where people of all generations can experience biodiversity and the beauty of nature. Find out more at www.oldgrowthforest.net!

OUR WORK: Identify and Preserve

Our goal is to locate and designate at least one protected forest in every county in the United States that can sustain a native forest. We estimate that to be approximately 2,370 out of 3,140 total counties. To achieve this aim we work to identify forests for the Network, ensure their protection, and inform people of the forest locations. We are building not only a network of forests, but also an alliance of people who care about forests.