Oconee 4-H Club
This "General" 4-H Club is open to all current and curious 4-H Members. Topics are chosen by members. Club meets at 6-7:30 3rd Mondays.
Select date and time
310 W South Broad St
310 West South Broad Street Walhalla, SC 29691About this event
All registered 4-H members from Cloverbud to senior are welcome to join the Oconee 4-H Club. Individuals curious about 4-H are welcome to attend two meetings before becoming members.
Initial meetings will serve to elect officers, set up club direction for 2025 choose topics/activities for future meetings (agriculture, gardening, art, crafts, engineering, state projects and record books, astronomy, Legos, pet rocks, livestock - large & small, and plenty of topics that this agent cannot imagine...but the members will!)
At this time, Lil Ledford, Oconee 4-H Agent, will be the adult leader, but we are actively seeking a new adult leader (agent will continue to handle logistics). Meetings will initially be held in the upstairs meeting room/kitchen of the Walhalla Extension Office (301 West South Main Street, Walhalla), but locations may vary depending on the choices of club members. At this time, the club will meet monthly year-round, but the members may chose to skip up to six months.
Currently this club is scheduled to meet from 6-7/7:30pm on the third Monday of the month. This may also be adjusted if members so vote.
Potential officers need to be able to commit to attending all monthly meetings.
Membership requirement/Dues: Current 4-H membership in 4HOnline is required for participation in this club. At this time no additional dues are leveed in relation to this club, though that may change. There may be future fundrasising.
(Note: 4HOnline membership is required for ALL clubs. A grace period of 1-2 meetings may be offered at the discretion of the club officers & adult leader)
Custodial Care: Please note that this event and its coordinators do not assume custodial care of youth in attendance. Adults (parents, guardians, volunteers, coaches, teachers, or other chaperones) must be present for the supervision of youth participants.
Frequently asked questions
The planned meeting space is NOT ADA compliant, and future meeting locations may be in wilderness or other remote locations. Please reach out to the organizer ASAP (at least two weeks prior to the meeting date) so that accommodations and adjustments can be made!