MEETING DATE: Wednesday, April 16, 2025
TIME: 5:30 to 7:00 PM PST
Sonia Caramazza and Isaac Vue
FTB Education & Outreach Specialists
A Deep Dive Into FTB Form 593 - Handling Unusual Transactions
- Withholding Requirements
- Remitter Withholding Responsibilities
- Seller Carryback / Installment Sale Requirements
- How to properly complete the form for Trusts, Foreign Sellers and LLCs
Don't miss this important meeting! It will be loaded with information you need in order to provide your customers with the professional service they require and expect, and to protect your company from liability, as well!
Please join us.
1. Sales on Eventbrite end at 5:00 PM on Monday, April 14, 2025. Please be sure to make your reservation prior to that time.
2. On Tuesday, April 15, look for an email from containing your log-in credentials. (Check your spam box if you do not see it.)
Professional Designation / Continuing Education Units (PD/CE) will be available to attendees who qualify by joining and remaining on the call.
To request your PD Form 501 or CEU Certificate, please email PD Chair Jodi Robbins AFTER the meeting at:
A reservation made is a reservation paid -- no refunds.
Many thanks to our meeting sponsors: