Representatives will be onsite to serve all veterans, active duty, guard and reserves, and their families with these resources:
- FREE food boxes
- Oakland County Veterans’ Services—Providing information and claims assistance regarding Veteran benefits and giving away Meijer gift cards— to be eligible you must be a Veteran and Oakland County resident, and you must present a copy of your DD214
- Oakland County Michigan Works!—Providing Veterans and their families with career planning, training programs, job search resources and the opportunity to meet with an employment specialist
- Oakland County Neighborhood & Housing Development—Helping residents with housing counseling
- Detroit VA Healthcare System—Offering registration help and exams for non-enrolled Veterans
- Oakland Community Health Network—Addressing any behavioral health issues and concerns, including behavioral health needs for children
- VA Suicide Prevention—Providing free gun locks
- Gary Burnstein Community Health Clinic—Scheduling free dental appointments
- Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency—Printing DD214’s on site
- Ride SMART—Providing information on their Veteran transportation program
Questions? Contact:
Tyrone Jordan at | (248) 285-8016