NOCO Trail Adventures - Fort Morgan

NOCO Trail Adventures - Fort Morgan

Hiking fun for current and potential Girl Scouts!

By Girl Scouts of Colorado

Date and time

Starts on Saturday, May 3 · 9am MDT


Riverside Park Nature Trails

17905 County Road 20 Fort Morgan, CO 80701

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour

Northern Colorado Trail Adventures is a series of staff-led hikes offered to all northern Colorado Girl Scouts and their families. Girl Scouts who participate will earn one rocker patch for each hike. Completing all five hikes competes the full Hiking Skills patch. Four or five hikes will be offered each year, at various locations around northern Colorado.

• Any current Girl Scout will earn the base Hiking Skills patch and first rocker patch on the first hike she participates in. A new rocker patch is earned on each subsequent hike.

• A girl must attend each hike with a caregiver or with her troop and troop leaders. • The patches are earned by registered Girl Scouts only.

• Any girl particpating who is not yet a Girl Scout can earn patches on future NoCo Adventure Trail hikes if they choose to become a registered member.

• Girl Scouts from outside the northern Colorado region are welcome to participate.


Organized by

Girl Scouts of Colorado hosts a variety of get-to-know Girl Scouts events where you'll get the chance to try new things, learn what Girl Scouting is all about, and get ready to start your adventure.