Nature LEGO Club for Homeschoolers (March Group 2)

Nature LEGO Club for Homeschoolers (March Group 2)

Join us for mini-lessons and stories combined with a different nature-themed LEGO building challenge each month! (Details below.)

By High Point State Park and N.J. Veterans' Memorial

Date and time

Friday, March 21 · 10:30am - 12pm EDT


High Point State Park and New Jersey Veterans' Memorial

1480 State Route 23 Sussex, NJ 07461

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour 30 minutes


  • New Information: During the winter months space is limited, so we will be offering the same challenge twice each month with fewer registration slots available each time. If you have a friend you want to attend with, make sure you are registering for the same session!
  • Session 1 and Session 2 will have the same challenge.
  • Winter meetings may be impacted by Ski Center Operations. We will notify you ASAP if there are any anticipated issues.
  • Lego challenges are for homeschooled kids ages 6 to 12 years old.
  • Registration is required to ensure that we have enough LEGOs for the children attending.
  • Older siblings may register and participate if they're interested, but challenges will be geared for younger kids.
  • Age appropriate building materials will be available to occupy younger siblings.
  • Please register ALL the children ages two and up that you are bringing so that we have an accurate idea of how many kids will be in the space.
  • If you are unable to attend please cancel your registration, or contact us so that we can cancel it.
  • Please do not bring LEGOs with you (unless you are donating them to the Park). High Point LEGOs stay at High Point. Home LEGOs stay at home.
  • You may not take your build home - take pictures to remember it! Your creations will be on display in the park until the next meeting.
  • We will be meeting both indoors and outside depending on challenges and weather conditions.
  • Registration closes at 5:00 PM the day before the club meets.
