Event Schedule:
10:00 AM - Meet at the trailhead for an introduction to mushroom education, identification, and foraging training
10:30 AM - Begin mushroom hike and foraging
12:30 PM - Completing our scenic mushroom-centered hike with foraging and further educational opportunities
1:00 PM - Wrap up the hike and say goodbye to new friends
What's Included:
- Guided hike with experienced guides
- Fungi education with emphasis on local edible mushrooms
- Mushroom foraging opportunities with experienced guides
- Scenic routes by Hikes of Georgia
- Water bottles
- First aid kit and emergency supplies
- A special surprise gift
To empower hiking enthusiasts, and beginner foragers to experience the beauty of nature in Georgia through affordable, organized, and safe hiking events. We strive to create a welcoming community that encourages personal growth, fosters environmental awareness, and promotes a healthy and active lifestyle.
Mushroom, Fleshy spore-bearing structure of certain fungi, typically of the phylum Basidiomycota. It arises from the mycelium, which may live hundreds of years or a few months, depending on its food supply. Since some poisonous mushrooms closely resemble edible ones, mushrooms intended for eating must be accurately identified.
Join us!
Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or a beginner, Hikes of Georgia invites you to join our community and explore the great outdoors together. Our guided hikes are designed for all skill levels, and we aim to provide a cost-effective and enjoyable experience for everyone. Let’s discover the beauty of Georgia’s landscapes and learn about local mushrooms and plants. Join us on our next hike!
ABOUT THE LOCATION (Davidson-Arabia Nature Preserve):
Explore 2,550 acre DeKalb County greenspace called the Davidson - Arabia Nature Preserve. The Preserve also includes other large formations of exposed granite, wetlands, pine and oak forests, multiple streams, and two lakes. The rare, native plant species, such as the signature red diamorpha in the winter and fall’s yellow daisies, make it seem as though the rock is in constant metamorphosis. A land that has taken 400 million years to form, it offers natural wonders, rich history, breathtaking beauty, unique biomes and intriguing cultural histories.
We actively seek to partner with local businesses and nature centers to bring you the best educational hiking adventures. Thank you to our sponsors for their support!
Featured Guests:
Our guides are experienced hikers and passionate about sharing their love of nature with others. Get to know them during the hike and learn about the local flora and fauna.
Contact info:
Website: hikesofgeorgia.com
Email: hikesofgeorgia@gmail.com
Phone: 770-910-2458