Murfreesboro Business: What Business Skills Are Needed To Start Your Own Business?
OnLine, OnDemand, EverGreen & No Waiting! Start learning as soon as you register! Take it whenever you want! As many times as you want!!!
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Murfreesboro Murfreesboro, TN United StatesRefund Policy
About this event
What Essential Business Skills are required for beginner entrepreneurs and beginner business owners?
So, you are a Knowledge Worker, you are a Professional, you are a Corporate Citizen, you are good at your job...
But you want to advance yourself to the next level: start your own business, be your own boss, be the captain of your own ship!
You want to know:
- What Skills Are Essential For Beginner Entrepreneurs & Beginner Business Owners?
- What are the skills required to run a business?
- What are the skills required to start a business?
- What are the skills required to start a business, from scratch?
- What are the skills required, to start a business, from scratch, for someone who has no experience with business?
- What are the skills required, to start a business, from scratch, for yourself, for your current/particular situation?
- What skills do you already have that will come handy for starting your own business?
- What new skills do you need to obtain before you can get your business off the ground?
- Do you need to obtain all the skills, before you can get your business started?
If that’s the case, this powerful class is for you! This class will teach you what skills you NEED to learn, in order for you to escape your corporate job, start your own business and be your own boss - all based on facts and logic, not emotion.
This Class is OnLine, OnDemand & EverGreen, which means you don't have to wait! You can take this Class Right NOW!
Link to the class will be sent to you as soon as you register!!!
Ask yourself:
- Why is it: some people succeed in starting their own business, and successfully escape the corporate world?
- Why is it: other people try and fail with their "escape attempt", and crawl back to the corporate world, begging for their old job back?
- For those who fail, what is it, that they don't know? And don't know that they don't know?
- For those who fail, what essential business skills do they lack? and they don't know they lack these essential business skills?
- For those who succeed, what skills do they have - but are not telling you?
- If you had the skills, the knowledge, the know-how, to start businesses, would you still be here, working for others? using your blood and sweat to help people who are already richer than you to get even richer? Where would you be today with your life?
- What are you waiting for?
Did you know:
- Even if you get your small business started, due to lack of proper business skills, your small business may never grow, you might be in business in name only, for you effectively traded one job your hated for another job your hated?
- Without essential business skills, you might end up being trapped by your business, your might end up being worse off than your old life as a corporate citizen?
- Business skills, are just like any other skills: they can be learned, and anyone can learn them?
- What you don't know, can and will kill you!? If you think Education is expensive, you should try Ignorance!
- You don't need to already have all the skills to get your biz started?
- The more skills you have, the better chance and the faster to your success?
- The rest you can & you will learn on the job?
- There are hidden long term benefits if you get on the journey of starting your own business?
What You Will Learn In This Class:
What are the 12 Essential Business Skills (Plus 3 Bonus Skills) for Beginner Entrepreneurs & Beginner Business Owners To:
- Evaluate your business idea;
- Find/attract: customers/investors;
- Get your business started;
- Get your business operational;
- Get your business profitable;
- Get your business off the ground (before the end of the runway!);
- Get your business to fly on its own.
We will go deep, we will go very deep, this is unlike any of your "run of the mill" classes.
This class is for people who want to hear the truth; this class is only for those who are strong enough to handle the truths.
- This class will NOT sugar coat, and tell you what you want to hear;
- This class will teach you what you NEED to know, so you can make informed decisions, based on facts and logic, not emotion.
This Class is OnLine, OnDemand & EverGreen, which means you don't have to wait! You can take this Class Right NOW!
Link to the class will be sent to you as soon as you register!!!
After taking this class, you will be able to:
- Understand what skills are required, to start a business, from scratch;
- Know what to work on next, on your endeavor to start your own business;
- Upgrade your old beliefs that are holding you back to new beliefs that will drive you forward;
- Your mind will be stretched, your thinking will be expanded! And you will be glad that you took this class, and you will thank yourself for making the wise decision of taking this class!
- Become more capable in planning your "Great Escape";
- Overcome beliefs that are currently holding you back;
- Advance your life faster in less time, to the direction/destination of your choosing!
- You will lose: Unhelpful ideas that have been holding you down :-(
- You will gain: New thinking that will catapult you to the next level!
This class will teach you what skills you NEED to learn, in order for you to escape your corporate job, start your own business and be your own boss - all based on facts and logic, not emotion.
Comments from those who took this class:
- I want to upgrade myself from a corporate citizen to being my own boss, but I don't know anything about business :-( I want to know what skills are essential for me to become my own boss. After taking this class, I now know what skills I need to acquire for me to start my own business, and with the right skills, I too, can quit being a corporate citizen, and become my own boss!
- I used to get intimidated by "business talk" , they seem complex and mysterious, and I felt inadequate for not understanding them, and I didn't want to experience the humiliation of letting others find out I didn't know. This class explained what skills are essential if I want to start my own business, which is EXACTLY what I've been craving to learn, and I was able to learn them, in the comfort and privacy of my own home!
- I tried to research "what business skills do I need to learn" on my own, but it seems those so called "info" out there, are either full of fluff, or full of hype, unwilling and refusing to teach me what I really need to learn, and certainly not organized and taught in a systematic manner. This is the only education on starting your own business, that's reality based, for it teaches you what you really need to know.
You should take this Online, OnDemand & EverGreen Class if:
- You live in the real world, you have real world challenges you need to overcome.
- You are a doer, you are a thinker, and you are a lifelong learner.
- You want to achieve more, by doing more.
- You want to keep the fruits of your own labor.
- You want to get ahead faster: Eliminate stress, frustration and negativity.
- You are frustrated when your work/life is chaotic and out of control.
- You want to have more control of your own life.
- You want to be more effective at managing your life.
- You want to do what you want to do, as opposed to what the corporation needs you to do.
- You are frustrated when your loyalty toward the corporation is NOT appreciated by the corporation.
- You are heartbroken when you realize the corporation has no loyalty toward you.
- You want to gain the respect of your family, friends, neighbors, and society at large.
- You have realized, you have your own "higher level calling", in your "strategic planning".
- You have also realized: you need to break through some of your deeper level thinking/belief, that is holding you back.
- You are brave enough to venture outside of the box. You don't want to, you absolutely refuse to, live your life within the boundaries set on your mind - by others.
- You enjoy playing the game of: "Never ending upward spiral personal evolution".