Join Community Building Art Works in a virtual orientation session to learn more about our upcoming program for women and non-binary military (Active Duty and Veterans), More Than One Story. The upcoming monthly program will use live, interactive online art and creative writing workshops held over several weeks to create a “Virtual Community Center” where women and non-binary military members can gather and experience belonging in a healthy, safe, and connected environment.
There are almost 2 million women Veterans living in the United States today, and over 400,000 currently serving in the military. There’s less information about non-binary Veterans and military members, but research suggests that the gender diverse individuals are twice as likely to serve in the military.
CBAW’s innovative methodology and programs have been tested and refined over twelve years and have been demonstrated to be an effective creative arts intervention for those struggling with the symptoms of PTSD to include substance misuse and suicidal behaviors. Designed in partnership with volunteers, military clinical personnel, community organizations, and VSOs, these workshops and community events are effective for Veterans wherever they are along their healing journey.
Individuals interested in participating in MTOS are required to attend one Orientation Session. All discharge statuses are welcome. Additional Orientation dates are forthcoming.
This program is partially funded by the SSG Parker Gordon Fox Suicide Prevention Grant Program through the VA.
Registration closes 24 hours before scheduled orientation sessions.