Military Spouse Career Circle

Military Spouse Career Circle

Military Spouse Career Circle - How to Address Gaps in Employment (facilitated by AAWDC and ACS Fort Meade)

By Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation

Date and time

Tuesday, April 1 · 8 - 9am PDT



About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour

Military Spouse Career Circle

Military Spouse Career Circle

Welcome to the Military Spouse Career Circle event! Are you a military spouse looking to advance your career? Join us online for an hour to discuss how to address those gaps in employment on you resume due to all those PCS moves! Connect with fellow military spouses, learn from industry experts, and discover new opportunities. Don't miss out on this valuable event!

Organized by

AAWDC’s services are funded in part by federal funds. Please visit for the current program year funding levels. AAWDC is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities, call the Career Center or Maryland Relay 711, 72 hours in advance or email to request reasonable accommodations. Translation Services are available upon request.