Join us for a women-only walk at Miantonomi Park in Newport, RI. In the spring, this small, city park is considered one of the best places to witness songbird migration in Rhode Island. Over 30 species of warblers have been seen here in May, along with Indigo Buntings, Scarlet and Summer Tanagers, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, and various vireos, flycatchers, and thrushes.
All levels of women birders are welcome. Extra binoculars will be available. Come for the duration or for just a little while.
Trail Conditions: We will walk about one mile at a slow pace, with frequent stops. Trails are loose gravel & dirt, and there are a couple of somewhat steep but short hills. There are a few benches along the route where we plan to stop to listen for singing birds.
Facility info: There is plenty of free, on-street parking on Hillside Ave. Accessible restrooms are available at the start of the walk.
We will meet at the park entrance near the playground.