Methods for Accessing Energy Centers, Vortexes, & Portals

Methods for Accessing Energy Centers, Vortexes, & Portals


Gain tools to draw upon when preparing and going to sacred sites, vortexes, and portals that heighten awareness and deepen your experience.

By Transformational Wisdom

Date and time

Friday, May 16 · 5:30 - 7:30pm MST.


Cosme Astrology & Wellness, 160 South Avenida Del Convento, 168-170, Tucson AZ 85745

160 South Avenida del Convento #Suite 168 + 170 Tucson, AZ 85745 United States

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours
  • Free venue parking

Learn special techniques for heightening awareness and deepening your experience.

Gain udnerstanding of what to notice and how subtle energies are working and flowing.

Discover methods that cultivate sensitivity and engage multisensory knowing.

Learn what to not do that interferes with accessing these special energy locations.

Gain tools to draw upon when preparing and going to sacred sites, vortexes, and portals. Register in advance required.

Frequently asked questions

Is this for specific vortexes and portals or all energy centers, portals, and vortexes?

The content is comprehensively for all energy centers, vortexes, and portals.

What energy vortexes are most known?

Often the vortexes and portals people are most familiar with are in Sedona, Arizona. There are other vortexes, portals and energy centers throughout the world.

What is an energy center?

Is a geographical location where the Earth's natural energy field is significantly concentrated than in surrounding areas. Another definition is a location that is created by ancient people aligned to under Earth and above Earth geo areas and stars potentiated by their use.

What is a vortex?

Implies a swirling or spiraling of energy, a more dynamic and more powerful and concentrated energy field.

How do the energy centers, vortexes, and portals affect people?

There is a general amplification of energy that is often subtle and not noticable to some people unless they learn the cues and protocols to look for internally and externally. Preparation offers insight, tools, and methods to glean significance and insight.

Organized by

Transformational Wisdom has been offering programs, classes, and sessions for over 25+ years in spiritual development, mystical studies, meditation, energy medicine, advancing consciousness, spiritual awakening, and advanced sound healing methods in person in Tucson, Arizona and online.