Mental Munchies

Mental Munchies

Mental Munchies a free lunch and learn hosted by Texas Tech Physicians of the Permian Basin- Department of Psychiatry.

By Texas Tech Psychiatry

Select date and time

Monday, April 28 · 12 - 1pm CDT


Texas Tech Physicians

2301 W. Michigan Ave Classroom Midland, Texas 79701 United States

Refund Policy

Contact the organizer to request a refund.

About this event

Come join us for Mental Munchies a free lunch and learn hosted by Texas Tech Physicians of the Permian Basin- Department of Psychiatry. Mental Munchies is open to anyone interested in learning more about mental health topics. The goal of Mental Munchies is to educate the community about mental health and provide some skills to learn how to cope with some common mental health issues many people face.

Due to the Covid, we have all presentations broadcasting via ZOOM. All lectures are FREE of charge. Free CEU for social worker/LPC. For more information please reach out

Organized by

For more information or questions please contact Chang Liu at Texas Tech Psychiatry of the Permian Basin @