Join us Via ZOOM for an introduction webinar on real estate investing. To join our online event, please text: "Meetup" to 703-863-3916. Learn how to create MASSIVE CASHFLOW when investing in real estate:
As a real estate investor you may want to see firsthand the transformation of a property from a neglected problem to a profitable stunning star in someone’s portfolio. Meet a local real estate investor who is making deals happen right in your community.
Take a tour of a property in various phases of rehab and hear how the investor found the deal, how they funded the acquisition and rehab, how they plan on marketing the property, and their projected listing price.
Learn what key factors and secrets make the difference between an average home and a true money maker. Discover exactly how hard work, wise investing decisions, and the application of our real estate investing education will put you on your own path to real estate success! Register now! Attend our upcoming property tour.
To join our online event, please text: "Meetup" to 703-863-3916.
Don't miss this chance to learn from the best and take your real estate investing to the next level.