Meditation and Sound Bath  in Luminous Environment

Meditation and Sound Bath in Luminous Environment

Soundbath and Meditation

By Selfspace Meditation Studio

Select date and time

Saturday, April 12 · 11am - 12pm EDT


Selfspace Meditation Studio at Tower East

20600 Chagrin Blvd Shaker Heights, OH 44122 United States

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 1 day before event
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About this event

  • Free venue parking

G uided Meditation and Soundbath by Selfspace Meditation Studio.

R elax and Unwind with us. We will be seated in chairs or cushions. Your preference.

P lease bring a yoga mat or blanket if you want to lie down during the soundbath portion.

We will begin with a guided mindfulness meditation followed by a soundbath. There is no experience necessary. We are open to all ages, faiths, non-faiths, etc. We are not aligned with any particular tradition, however, we do practice techniques that have their roots in Buddhist wisdom and contemplative science. There is nothing you need to "know". Just come as you are. This is an open and welcoming environment. You can be anonymous, silent and free to just relax and unwind.

W e have 5 years of experience in the Cleveland area of leading meditation and mindfulness events. This is not new to us. The location in Shaker Heights is new for us. We hope you enjoy the easy access to parking.

P lease enter at the lobby level and walk down one flight (or take elevator) of stairs to Level C. We are easy to find. Look for a sign for "Selfspace".

P lease arrive by 10:55 am.

T here is plentiful parking in the parking structure and also some spaces at the rear entrance just outside the doors. This is the Tower east building on Chagrin Boulevard near Warrensville Heights Road.

S ECOND SATURDAYS 11:00 am to Noon

Tower East

2 0600 Chagrin Boulevard, Level C

S haker Heights, OH 44122

J oin us

E mail with any questions


W e can also schedule a phone conversation if you would like to speak in person.

Y ou can also inquire about private meditation sessions or if you are interested to hold an event at your location. We can come to you.


Frequently asked questions

What is this experience like?

We will begin with a guided mindfulness meditation followed by a soundbath. There is no experience necessary. We are open to all ages, faiths, non-faiths, etc. You can sit in a chair or cushion or lie down. It's cozy and relaxing and inclusive.

Where do I park?

There is easy parking in the parking lot next to the building or behind it or in the parking structure. On the weekends there are tons of spaces. Enter the building at the lobby and go to the lower level (Level C) or enter the building at Level C from the rear entrance. There is a security guard too

Organized by

Selfspace is a meditation studio and humble sanctuary where you can feel supported and safe with your meditation practice. We provide a creative simple setting with cushions, chairs, or meditation pods and meditation guides. We exist to so that people of all ages and backgrounds can come together and sit together with no pretenses or expectations. Just sitting.

We offer the space, people and techniques to practice meditation with others and welcome all traditions, races, creeds, and non-creeds.

An inviting atmosphere for learning and practicing.

Group meditation can help to grow or sustain your current practice, such as a yoga practice, sangha practice, or meditation app.

Our secular mindful meditation sessions and sound baths all have a guide and can be attended regularly or on a drop-in basis.

Does meditation help you have a mental shift? Perhaps.

We do know that meditating with others is powerful.


You can join us or we can come to you. Fixed and Mobile Locations.